Bernard, Anna Clair - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bernard, Anna Clair

BERNARD, Anna Clair

1924 - 2022

It is with sadness and yet with thankfulness that Clair peacefully passed into the presence of her Lord November 4th at the age of 98. Clair was born September 22, 1924, at Waterville, to William and Ethel Ellen Bernard (Parkinson). She was predeceased by her parents and her brothers Haines (1999) and Clayton (2010). Clair graduated from the Sherbrooke Hospital in 1945 and did post-graduate studies in obstetrics in Winnipeg. Clair was part of the founding team and the first matron of Grace Christian Home, Huntingville, in 1957, and of Connaught Home, North Hatley, (1970). She was the last member of the original group who founded Grace.  In that year she married widower Albert (Bert) Fisk, of Montreal, and gained a large family, Rod, Ruth, David (deceased), Lois, Heather, Lynn, and Sharon, as well as many grandchildren and great grandchildren, who lovingly called her “Grandma Clair”. Bert went home to be with Lord in May 1983, after 13 very happy years together. Clair retired in 1989, but continued nursing for several years on a part-time basis and served on the Board of Directors. She truly loved the Lord and was faithful to the Grace Chapel in Sherbrooke. She also conducted Bible Studies throughout her life. In her last years, as her health declined, she was lovingly cared for by the staff at Grace. A sincere thank you to Sandy Klinck and all the staff.

A memorial service will be held at Grace Village – Faith Hall,1515 Pleasant View Ave. J1M 0C6. Sunday, November 20 @ 2:00 p.m. Followed by a committal service at Huntingville cemetery in the Spring 2023, where she will be laid to rest beside her husband awaiting the glorious return of her Lord.

Donations may be given to the Grace Village Foundation – Dr. Klinck Support Fund in Clair’s memory.

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Claire's family

My deepest sympathies to everyone who loved Claire. A generous soul on all levels. A mentor to many of us who were blessed to work with her and to have known her. She has respectfully earned her wings. RIP sweet Claire.

Karen & Brent Sutton & Family, le 17 novembre 2022

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