Batley Dougherty, Belva - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Batley Dougherty, Belva


1929 - 2018

Passed away on Thursday October 4th 2018 in Sherbrooke at the age of 88, daughter to the late William and late Cecila Batley. Beloved wife of Durwood Dougherty, mother to Walter (Lise Cote) and Patricia (Al McIntosh) and grandmother to Justin (Stephanie), Jacob (Kim) and Chelsea. She is predeceased by her sister Phillis and her nephew Ken. She also leaves to mourn her niece Nadine, other friends and relatives.

Visitation will be held at the St-Paul’s Anglican Church in Bury (588 Main St.) on Wednesday October 10th 2018 from 7 p.m. and 9 p.m. and on Thursday October 11th 2018 from 1 p.m. to 2 p.m. followed by the Funeral service at 2 p.m. Internment will take place at the Bury Protestant Cemetery.

The family would like to thank the staff at the CSSS Argyll for the great care given to Mrs Belva Dougherty.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Bury Protestant Cemetery.

5 messages reçus

Durwood and The Family

Sorry to hear of Belva's passing, we would like to send our deepest condolences.

Fred & Barbara Hurley, le 9 octobre 2018

MM Durwood, et Walter Dougherty

Mes sincères condoléances pour le décès de Mme Dougherty.

Bon courage en ces moments difficiles.

Doris Martineau, le 10 octobre 2018

Durwood, Walter, Lise, Patricia, Al, Chelsea, Justin and Jacob and family and friends,

So sorry to learn of Belva's passing. It was an honour to have known her.

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Mike and Jolene, le 10 octobre 2018

The Dougherty family

So sorry to hear. You have our sincere sympathies.
Helga &David

Helga & David Price, le 11 octobre 2018

M.D.Dougherty et famille

Nos sincères condoléances . Nous ne l'avons pas su mais nous pensons beaucoup à vous.
Bon courage.
Les enfants de Gaetan Foley et leur conjoints.

Marie Claude Foley, le 11 octobre 2018

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