Wilkins, Bernice (Dollie) - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Wilkins, Bernice (Dollie)

WILKINS, Bernice (Dollie)

1927 - 2020

Our dear mom passed away on February 24, 2020.

She was married to the late Osborne Wilkins and she leaves to mourn her sons Wayne (Solange), Warren (Nicole), Dean and her daughter Kathleen (the late David).

Her mom and dad, Douglas Adamson and Pearl Bush had seven children, Maxwell, Donald, Willis, Barbara, Marjorie, Evelyne and Thelma. Dollie was raised as an only child by her aunt and uncle William and Ethel Adamson.

As per her request there will be no funeral service. Interment will take place in the spring.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be sent to the Osborne Wilkins Scholarship Fund c/o Richmond Regional High School, 375 Armstrong Street, Richmond Quebec J0B 2H0.

1 message reçu

The family of Bernice Wilkins

I wish you comfort during your sorrow. The Bible promises that your loved one will soon come back to life in a peaceful paradise on the earth. (John 5:28, 29)

G. Ellis, le 27 février 2020

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