Bradley, David I. - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bradley, David I.


1961 - 2024

David Irvin Bradley passed away peacefully on Sunday, August 25, 2024 at age 63.

David will be lovingly remembered by his daughters, Kiersten (Anthony) and Danika (Steven), and his grandchildren, Chase and Mackenzie. He was the beloved son of the late Irvin Albert Bradley and the late Marion Effie MacLeod. He was a lifelong Toronto Maple Leafs and Journey fan.

A grave-side service will be held in Malvern Cemetery (75 Chem. Moulton Hill, Sherbrooke, QC J1M 0A7) at 11:00 am on Saturday, September 28th, 2024, followed by a celebration of life with refreshments at the ANAF Unit #318 (aka "The Hut") at 12:00 pm.

The family would like to extend their gratitude to Tyler Wilson for all that help he provided to Dave over the years.

Dave defied the odds and lived with ALS for 27 years. Donations made during the Ice Bucket Challenge “dramatically accelerated the fight against ALS”. In lieu of flowers (which Dave hated), please consider donating to the Montreal Neurological Institute-Hospital or the ALS Society of Canada.

12 messages reçus

The Family

you have our deepest sympathies Kiersten, Danika and the Family. R.I.P. Dave

Lise Houle & Rainer Lowry, le 6 septembre 2024

Dave’s Family and Friends

Our sympathies to allRIP Dave

Victor and Arlette, le 6 septembre 2024

All the family

Our deepest sympathies

Keith and Myrna Lowry, le 6 septembre 2024

Dave's family

RIP Dave. The Maple Leafs have lost their biggest fan. You certainly were a fighter right up to the end. You certainly will be missed by everyone who had the good fortune to know you.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Corey Bellam , le 6 septembre 2024

Danika, Kiersten and families

My deepest sympathy. I enjoyed his company when I did his errands and housework. He was pleasant to be around. He had a sense of humour in spite of all he was going through.

Judy Langevin Dubeau, le 7 septembre 2024

Danika and Kiersten

Despite dealing with innumerable challenges over the past few years, your Dad never lost his gift for putting friends at ease by making them laugh. Hopefully he and Irv will be looking down and smiling when their beloved Leafs finally hoist the Cup once again (although I wouldn't bet on that happening any time soon). Condolences on the loss of your Dad.

Connie and Deane, le 7 septembre 2024

All the family

Dave you certainly put up a good fight, now it is time to rest. R I P

Ian and Edie. Mcburney, le 7 septembre 2024

Danika and Kiersten

With deepest sympathy from my husband Pat Poulin (he played hockey with Dave at Alexander Galt) and myself April Morrison Poulin. We used to visit Dave often in sawyerville. Your dad called me when he heard years ago that my dad was diagnosed with ALS also. I always appreciated his thoughtfulness ️Our hearts are with you at this sad time️️

April Morrison Poulin, le 8 septembre 2024

The family

My sympathies to all the family for your loss

Marilyne Belanger, le 8 septembre 2024

The family

Our sincere sympathy to the family

Barry and Gloria Loveland, le 14 septembre 2024

To David’s Famaly

Our sympathies to the whole famaly.The battle David did was inspiring.
Our thoughts and prayers.

Pierre Roberge and Carolene Downey, le 27 septembre 2024

Dave Bradley

Where to say 'Bradley was a character' is an understatement. Knew him at Sherbrooke Elementary and Galt. Tough and hilarious: I'm sitting at Galt library reading a magazine. Bradley sits beside me, holds the magazine in front of his face, eyes me from the side, whispers the drug deal, "You got the stuff?"
Downtown Lennoxville, Bradley cruising in the passenger seat of the old black Plymouth with wings: "Na na nana nana, Batman!"
Pick-up basketball one evening Galt gym: Bradley eyes 6' 7" Scott Coote, "I'll take Kareem". Bradley memories live on. Didn't you were battling ALS; you're even tougher than I thought. Be well with peace.

Steve Smith, le 10 octobre 2024

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