Campbell, Duncan McGregor - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Campbell, Duncan McGregor

CAMPBELL, Duncan McGregor

1943 - 2024

Duncan McGregor Campbell Jr


Duncan passed away suddenly on August 23 in Montreal. He was the son of the late Duncan Campbell and the late Mary Jardine.

He was predeceased by his parents and his brothers Bruce and Donald.

He leaves to mourn his brothers Ian and Colin (Nancy), nieces and nephews Heather (Sam) Jamison, David (Heathir) Fosher (their kids Sam and Lydia), Erica Campbell and Andrew Campbell.

Special thanks to Duncan’s sister-in-law Linda McKenty for all her care over the years.

There will be a graveside service on Thursday, August 29, 2024 at Reedsville Cemetery in North Hatley at 2:00 p.m. Feel free to bring a chair for your comfort, or if you have difficulty standing.

9 messages reçus

Linda McKenty

So sorry to hear that Duncan passed away, you were so good to him Linda. May God grant you comfort and peace

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Gerry, Margaret and Gail, le 27 août 2024

Linda and all Duncan' Family

I am so impressed with the care Linda and her Husband Don gave Duncan for so many years (26 years). Loved how Duncan's face would light up when I came for a visit. Hugs and condolences to the entire family.

DDevon Rose Henderson, le 27 août 2024


..he was so brave and fought the good fight. Linda, you were beautiful in your service towards Duncan.

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David Duchene, le 27 août 2024

Linda and Family

My condolences Linda to you and your family. May the God of comfort be with you and give you peace.

Doug Freeman, le 27 août 2024

To caring cousin Linda and all Jardine and Campbell cousins

From the extended Wishart family in Scotland and England sincere sympathy and condolences : Robin in Dumfries, Jimmy in Torthorwald near Dumfries, David in London, Barbara in Glasgow, and Eric in Edinburgh.
So glad to have been at table with Donald, Duncan and Linda at table in St Laurent these past two autumns.

Eric Wishart, le 28 août 2024

Linda McKenty and family

My sincere condolences to you and your family. May God grant you His everlasting peace and comfort.

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Kay Lender, le 28 août 2024

Linda Makenty

My deepest sympathies Linda. May the good Lord comfort you in your time of grief. You were a great testament in how you were always there for Duncan. May you find the peace that you deserve

Yvonne Sutherland, le 28 août 2024

Dear Linda

Thinking of you and sending you our deepest condolences with love and friendship. Wishing you strength and hope. May the Lord provide you comfort and peace. We are here for you.

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Richard and Diane Renshaw, le 28 août 2024

Linda Mckenty

Hi Linda...
You are especially thought of at this time...
Duncan was a kind gentle person...

All our ️ love...
Denis dit: "mes sympathy, cest un gros annee pour toi"

Denis & Irene Essiambre , le 28 août 2024

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