Wright, Edward - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Wright, Edward

WRIGHT, Edward

1932 - 2022

Passed away on July 29, 2022, after a short illness. He was born in Inverness, Québec.

He was predeceased by his wife Dorothy and daughter Daphne. He is survived by his son Davis and his wife Tammy; his grandchildren Ashley, Courtney, Travis; his sister Mildred Fleming and his longtime companion Carol.

A private burial will take place at the Bury Protestant Cemetery.

14 messages reçus

Melissa Claude (neice)

My condolences to the family of Edward Wright, David his son and to Daphne's children and to Maureen, his sister-in-law and other relatives.
May he rest in peace.

Rod Hatch, le 1 août 2022

To the Wright family

Our deepest sympathies have dome great times back at Emslie transport
Dave and Mich Hatch

Mich & Dave Hatch, le 2 août 2022

The Wright Famly

Our sympathies to your family. Mom spoke to Edward not too long ago and I am glad she did. Always had great memories of the Charlie& Thelma's family.

Patricia Goodwin, le 2 août 2022

The Wright Family

Sympathies to all the friends and family. I worked with Ed at Emslie Transport and it was always a pleasure to see Ed and listen to a story or two

Tim Dezan , le 2 août 2022

The Family

I wish to extend my deepest condolences to Eds family. He was a wonderful co-worker at Emslie Transport . Working with him and sharing our stories was always a pleasure.

LARRY MARKWELL, le 2 août 2022

Mildred , Christina and the Wright family

Our sympathy to the Wright family,

Barb and Murray Ward, le 2 août 2022

Ed Wright’s Family and Friends

Peg and I would like to extend our deepest sympathies to Ed’s Family and Friends.
Ed was a highly regarded employee and an exceptional person.
Working with Ed for many years was always a pleasure.

John and Peggy Emslie, le 2 août 2022

David , Tammy & family

Our condolences to all the family . I always enjoyed my talks with Uncle Edward , he was always concerned how everyone was doing in the extended Wrights family tree even though we all lived far apart.
Rest In Peace Uncle !

Galen Wright

Galen , Waltraud Wright & Family , le 2 août 2022

Edward & family

Our deepest sympathies to your families & friends RIP Edward

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Bev Kelso, le 3 août 2022

The Wright Family & Carol

“May the sorrow you feel in your heart lighten by the love that surrounds you.”

Laurie Clark, le 4 août 2022

The family of Edward Wright

Our deepest sympathy to the family and Carol RIP

Doug and Louise Robinson, le 5 août 2022

Edward Wright

Our condolences to the Wright, Fleming and Wootten families…

The Bailey Family, le 5 août 2022

The Wright Family

Our condolences to the Wright Family, sorry for your loss.

Don & Diane Robinson, le 6 août 2022

Carol and the Wright family

Our Deepest Sympathies.
Sorry to hear of Ed's passing.
Everett and June Boynton.

Everett Boynton, le 7 août 2022

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