Dolloff (nee Williamson), Elizabeth (Betty) - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Dolloff (nee Williamson), Elizabeth (Betty)


1953 - 2019

C’est avec tristesse que nous annonçons le décès d’Elizabeth (Betty) Dolloff (née Williamson) au CSSS Memphrémagog, le 1e janvier 2019 à l’âge de 65 ans.  Elle était l’épouse de feu Burton Dolloff.

La famille vous accueillera à la Résidence Funéraire Cass, 900, rue Clough, Ayer’s Cliff, QC, J0B 1C0, le samedi 12 janvier 2019 de 14 h à 16 h et de 19 h à 21 h.  Une célébration de la vie aura lieu ultérieurement.

Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants: Philip (Karyn), Cathy (Jason), Michael (Melissa) et Jimmy (Meghann); ses petits-enfants: Carrie (Kyle), Shawn (Lydia), Justin, Emma, Travis, Chad, Derek, Hailey, Zachary et Bridgett; ses frères et sœurs, autres membres de la famille et de nombreux amis.

La famille souhaite remercier très chaleureusement Colleen et Dick Gustin pour leur présence et leur dévouement tout au long de sa bataille avec le cancer. Elle voudrait également remercier toute l’équipe des soins à domicile ainsi que des soins palliatifs du CSSS Memphrémagog.

En lieu de fleurs, des dons au l’Église Beulah United, 967, rue Main, Ayer’s Cliff, QC, J0B 1C0, seraient appréciés par la famille.

24 messages reçus

The Family

We are saddened by Betty's death. Our sympathy to all the family.

Leslie & Susan Nutbrown, le 3 janvier 2019

Family of Betty Dolloff

Sincere sympathies to the Dolloff Family.

Michael Locke, le 3 janvier 2019

Cathy Dolloff et Familles

Mes plus sincères condoléances Cathy , tes enfants et toute ta famille.

Danielle St-Pierre
Ayer's Cliff

Danielle St-Pierre, le 3 janvier 2019

Betty's loved ones

Please accept my deepest, sincerest sympathies for your great loss...she was loving lady with a kind heart and will be remembered fondly by many....

Linda Grenon, le 3 janvier 2019

The family

My deepest sympathies to the whole family. So sorry to hear.

Billy Goyette, le 3 janvier 2019

Betty’s family.

So sad to hear the news. I am glad I got one last visit in with Betty.I got to see her smile one more time. I Will miss not seeing her across the street. My heart goes out to you all.

Sherry Drew and Douglas Gunter. , le 3 janvier 2019

Betty's Family

I am so very sorry to learn of your Mom and Grandmother's passing. Such a huge loss for all of you. May all your wonderful memories help to keep you strong.

Ann Cooke (Halsall), le 3 janvier 2019

Betty's family

My deepest sympathy to the entire family on your loss of Betty

Suzan Norrie, le 3 janvier 2019

The families of Betty Dolloff

Our thoughts are with you all at this time of sorrow. If you need anything let us know and we will try to serve you. We will miss Betty deeply, her fun-loving ways, her laughter and generosity.

Danny and Lynn Gustin, le 3 janvier 2019

Betty's Family

My deepest sympathies to you all xo

Pauline Roger , le 3 janvier 2019

The family

So sorry for your loss. She will be missed

Elaine, le 4 janvier 2019

The Dolloff Famillies

My heartfelt condolences To all of Betty children and their families. The last time I saw Betty, we just arrived in Ayer's Cliff and stop in at Woods. Here was Betty and the Bowens waving to us to come to their table. We had such a great visit and a fun time. Those spurs moments will always be in my memory. Much love to all of you.
Thea and Paul

Thea Brus Hulshof, le 4 janvier 2019


I am so sorry for the loss of your mom, my thoughts are with you

Kelly McBean
(we used to be on the brave hearts together)

Kelly McBean , le 4 janvier 2019

Betty's family

So sorry to hear of your loss. I will miss our teasing each other at the fair. She was a great lady.

Larry Bowen, le 4 janvier 2019

The Family of Betty Dolloff

Our Deepest Sympathy to all the Family .She will be missed for her beautiful smile and kind heart.

Janice and Ludwig Voggenreiter, le 4 janvier 2019


You were one of a kind , a shining star. You will always be remembered for your laughter and generousity. The bravity and courage you showed to the end was all enduring.we love you and you will be missed.

Ruby, sister-in-law, le 4 janvier 2019

Cathy and Family

So sorry to hear of Betty's passing. Bill and I are so thankful we got to meet her at the 2017 Dolloff Reunion at our camp site. We have talked about you and your mother so many times and what a great people you were. He found the beer you left on our little porch and he drank it all. (LOL)
We would love to have you and your family come to the Reunion when you can. It is always the first Sunday in August (rain or shine) and always at our camp. Our phone number is 207-353-8660 or 207-798-9987.

Bill and Lauris Dolloff, le 5 janvier 2019

All my cousins and your families

Even though we are miles apart, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have fond memories spending my summers on the farm when I was younger. Aunt betty taught me life lessons and life values that has helped me deal the the challenges that life has brought. I will remember her always.


Lorraine Zerafa, le 5 janvier 2019

All my cousins and your families

Even though we are miles apart, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have fond memories spending my summers on the farm when I was younger. Aunt betty taught me life lessons and life values that has helped me deal the the challenges that life has brought. I will remember her always.


Lorraine Zerafa, le 5 janvier 2019

All my cousins and your families

Even though we are miles apart, my thoughts and prayers are with you. I have fond memories spending my summers on the farm when I was younger. Aunt betty taught me life lessons and life values that has helped me deal the the challenges that life has brought. I will remember her always.


Lorraine Zerafa, le 5 janvier 2019

Betty Williamson Dolloff Families

LOVE TO ALL Mary Lou Gustin and Wynn Dustin ///
Grannie Lou to some of you //Hugs,

Mary Lou Gustin, le 6 janvier 2019

The Dolloff Family

Please accept my deepest, sincerest sympathies for your great loss of a very special lady who all was made me laugh with her wonderful since of humor.

Cindy Bennett

Cindy, le 6 janvier 2019

The Dolloff Family

My sincere sympathies to the entire family, she was such a courageous and special lady. Her laughter and wonderful memories of times shared will be remembered forever. She will be dearly missed.

Margaret Brus Hartley, le 8 janvier 2019

Cathy, Michael and Jimmy

I share in your sadness today, the loss of your mom and know that it has only added to the grief of your father. Your parents meant the world to me having spent those early elementary years at the farm with you all. Those were cherished days and will always remember them! Love you Betty!

Gina Campbell, le 31 janvier 2019

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