Shadbolt, Francis - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Shadbolt, Francis


1935 - 2018

Passed away peacefully on the 30th of December at 7:15pm, at the CHUS Fleurimont in his 84th year. 

He was the beloved husband of Evelyn Dawson and cherished Father to William (Deborah), Keith (Pam), Kevin and Debbie (Tim).

Adored grandfather to Christopher (Caroline), Jason (Valerie), Natalie (Robert), Jennifer (Claude), Ashley (Andrew), Michelle (Doug), Courtney (Nick) and Natasha and Great Grandfather to Joshua, Tyler, Cedric, Logan, Killian, Brooklyn, Carson and Jackson.  

He will be mourned by all who knew him.  

Visitation will be held Saturday, the 5th of January at the Cass Funeral Home, 15 Station, Sawyerville, QC. J0B3A0 from 11am – 2pm , the service to follow at 2pm.

Burial service will be held immediately following the service (weather permitting), at the Eaton Corner Cemetery.

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