Davies, Howard Franklin - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Davies, Howard Franklin

DAVIES, Howard Franklin

1927 - 2019

Passed away peacefully at the CSSS Memphremagog Hospital on Jan 30, 2019. 

Beloved husband of Reta (Dempsey), dear father of Linda, and brother of Ruth Hands, Bolton,Ont.

He was predeceased by his parents, brothers Everett (late Evelyn) and Malcolm (late Vera), brothers-in-law and sisters-in law Bert & Irene Arbery, Gordon & Gertie Bedard, Gordon & Phyllis Dempsey and leaves to mourn nephews, nieces and friends.

He was lifelong member of the Ascot Masonic Lodge No.30, Lennoxville, QC and the Sherbrooke Snow Shoe Club. 

The family wishes to thank the staff of the Manoir Stanstead for the loving and kind care. 

A graveside service will be held on Saturday, June 22, 2019 at 2:00 p.m. at the Eaton Corner Cemetery.

5 messages reçus


Our sympathy Linda for the lost of your Dad.

Calvin & Lyse Belknap, le 6 février 2019

dear Reta

I offer my condoleances in the death of your husband Howard whom I remember well, seeing you both in the balcony at Plymouth-Trinity. My best memories are watching the two of you dance so smoothly and elegantly at the Snow Shoe Club!

Vivienne (Galanis) , le 8 février 2019

Linda Davies

Linda, so very sorry to hear of your loss. You certainly had him in your life for such a long time and I'm sure the many memories that you shared with him must give you peace and joy. Thinking of you and wishing you many good years of good health and happiness.

Janice Begbie, le 9 février 2019


So sorry to hear about your Dad. My deepest sympathy.

Lorrayne Markwell, le 10 février 2019


My Deepest Sympathies Linda
he is really missed , "our Friend Trouble:'
Mary Lou Gustin

Mary Lou Gustin, le 11 février 2019

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