(Markwell) Dion, Janete Lena - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

(Markwell) Dion, Janete Lena

(MARKWELL) DION, Janete Lena

1944 - 2022

Janete passed away suddenly at the CHUS-Fleurimont , on May 18th, 2022, at the age of 78. Dear daughter of the late Stanley Markwell and the late Lucy Wilson.

Janet was a wonderful wife and mother and will be sadly missed by her husband Jerry Elzeor Dion and sons Michael and Galen; grandchildren Samantha, Emma and Alex; her brothers and sister Edward (Francine), Elizabeth Witworth (Bruce) and Harold (Denise). She was predeceased by her sister Doreen Phaneuf (Donald). She will also be missed many extended family members and dear friends.

Interment at the Cristal Lake Cemetery will take place at a later date.

The family wishes to thank Raymond Poitras, Helen Kay, Janet Cooper, Doug Davis for all the may trips to the Doctor and the hospital.

6 messages reçus

Jerry, Michael, Galen and family

Walter and I were very saddened by the death of our dear Janete. She was such a nice, pleasant and kind person. I paticularly enjoyed our video chats and our visits when she was in Town. RIP dear Janete, you will be missed by many.
Lovingly remembered,

Sandra and Walter.

Sandra Harrison, le 2 juin 2022

The family

We extend our deepest sympathy to Janets family. We were deeply saddened to learn of her sudden passing. Rest in peace Janet.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, le 2 juin 2022

Jerry & family

So shocked and saddened to hear of my old friend’s passing. A great loss. Sincere sympathy

Marion Dupuis (Phaneuf), le 3 juin 2022

The family

So sorry Jerry to hear of Janet's passing, my sympathies to you and the boys. Janet will be missed by us all.

Lionel Hamilton, le 3 juin 2022

Jerry and Family

I was completely shocked to hear of Janet's sudden passing. I will miss our long chats on the phone.. We shared many memories of growing up in a time when cousins were close..more like a sister. She will be missed by everyone who knew her..
Brenda Jansen(Lyon)

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Brenda Jansen, le 4 juin 2022

The family

A beautiful lady has become a bright, shining star in our heavens and she will be missed. Janet was a good friend to my mother, Deany Sherman-Coade, and we enjoyed so many good laughs together. God bless you on your new journey, Janet, and rest in peace; you earned it. My deepest sympathy to her family and close friends.

Lynn Sherman-Rolleston, le 6 juin 2022

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