6 messages reçus
The Storey Family
My sympathies and Prayers to the Storey Family. It was an immense pleasure to be a neighbour to Kim and Jean for over 30 years on Aberdeen St. I also have them in my classes at Richmond Regional.
May God's blessing bee on the whole family.
Wayne Mellish, le 9 avril 2024
Kelley and family
It is with great sadness that I read of the passing of your Mom. She was one of the nicest people I have ever met. She would remind me, when I saw her, that she had worked at the mill in Windsor with my Dad. I am sure there are many happy memories to guide you through these difficult times. I remember fondly, each day, when your Mom and I would have a conversation in and around the cafeteria at RRHS.
In Sympathy;
Brian Smeltzer, le 9 avril 2024
All the family
My deepest sympathies to all of Jean's family and friends. She was a wonderful sweet lady and I'll always remember her from RRHS. Rest in peace Mrs.Storry, fly high with the angels!
Melissa Côté, le 12 avril 2024
The family
My heartfelt sympathies to you. Her smile and kind heart will be missed in the community. Over the years she gave and shared a lot with the community, the church, the girl guides and other organizations. Thank you Jean for your contribution to my life. Frances Banfill
Frances Banfill , le 12 avril 2024
All the Story Family
So sorry to heard about your loss. Have many memories of Jean. May she rest in peace!

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Lisa Fowler, le 17 avril 2024
Chuck, Laurie, Suzie and Kelly
Very sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. I am very glad to have had the chance for a brief visit last summer with you all. I remember your Mom was being always cheerful and very kind, putting up with daily visits from the "Aberdeen Street Gang" and later the "Richmond Gang". May she rest in peace.
Donna Butler, le 18 avril 2024