Lynch Littlejohn, Joan - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Lynch Littlejohn, Joan


1934 - 2024

Joan Lynch Littlejohn


Joan Littlejohn (Lynch), beloved wife of the late Howard Littlejohn, passed away peacefully on February 20th, 2024 at 89 years of age. She is survived by her loving children Andrew (Tanya) and Karyn, and cherished grandchildren Mathew, Nicole, Carly (Micheal), Austin, and Devon, and great-grandmother to Emily and Hannah. She leaves to mourn her sisters Jane (Knotek) and Eva (Burgoyne) as well as her sister-in-law Beverly (Goodfellow).

Joan was known for her kindness, strength, and unwavering love for her family. She will be deeply missed by all who knew her.

A celebration of her life will be held at a later date. In lieu of flowers, donations may be made to the Grace Village Care Foundation in her memory.

May her legacy of love and compassion continue to inspire us all.

11 messages reçus

To Joan family

Diane and I have a good souvenir of Joan; kindness and empathy and family love very well describe her. She has been an appreciated colleague during the time I was at Bishop's library.

Pierre and Diane Lafrance, le 26 février 2024

Andrew, Tanya and Karyn and families

My thoughts and prayers are with you.

Barb Ward, le 26 février 2024

Andrew et Tanya

Condoléances Andrew et Tanya, ainsi que vos familles respectives.
Famille Gaétan Gaudreau, 75 Robert-Peel, Lennoxville

Famille Gaétan Gaudreau , le 27 février 2024

Andy and Tanya

Sincere sympathy and I hope that cherishing beautiful memories together with your mother will be a source of comfort as you navigate the days ahead.She will be missed by many for her beautiful smile and bright spirit.

Doreen Little, le 27 février 2024

The Family

So sorry to hear. A huge loss for our community and all that knew Joan.
A wonderful warm hearted person with a constant smile.
RIP Joan

David & Helga Price, le 27 février 2024


My sincere condolences to you and your family.

Robert Mayhew, le 27 février 2024

All the survivors

I remember Mrs Littleton who lived at the RENAISSANCE LENOX,in that time I lived there to I crossed her eyes but I don’t know her name SORRY FOR YOUR LOSS

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Marc, le 27 février 2024

To Andrew

Our deepest sympathy to all family and frienss. So sorry for your greats loss

Robert Redden et Yvonne Boutin, le 28 février 2024

Andrew Tania and family

Our sympathy to you at this time. Lovely lady . You were so good to her Andrew when I saw you visiting at The Grace Village. Commendable . Ken and Glenda Huff

Ken and Glenda Huff, le 28 février 2024

the family

Our sincere condolences from all of us at the Bishop's University Library.

Catherine Lavallée-Welch, University Librarian, le 1 mars 2024

Andrew and Tanya

Condolences to you and all the family. Barb and Wayne

Barb Bruhmuller , le 5 mars 2024

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