Nichol, John Wesley - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Nichol, John Wesley

NICHOL, John Wesley

1934 - 2022

C'est avec une grande tristesse que la famille annonce le décès de John Wesley Nichol au Centre Santé CHSLD Coaticook le 26 mai 2022, à l'âge de 87 ans. 

John laissera dans le souvenir son épouse Eva-Mae Sarrasin, ses filles Cindy (Sean), Judy (Mike), sa petite-fille Kate, son arrière-petite-fille Charlotte, sa belle-fille Paula (Patrick), sa belle-petite-fille Kenzie, son beau-petit-fils Jenson, belles-sœurs Yvette et Lynda Sarrasin, nièce Debbie, neveu Chris, plusieurs cousins et amis. 

John a été précédé par son père Wesley et sa mère Blanche, son petit-fils David, son frère Robert et son oncle Howard.

Les visites auront lieu à la Maison funéraire Cass, 3006, rue College, Sherbrooke (Lennoxville), le dimanche 5 juin 2022, de 11h00 à 13h00, suivies d'une cérémonie funéraire à 13h30 au cimetière de Malvern, Chemin Moulton Hill, Lennoxville Québec. 

Au lieu de fleurs, des dons à l'Église unie de Waterville ou au cimetière de Malvern seraient appréciés.

30 messages reçus

Eva-Mae and Family

My Deepest Condolences Eva-Mae.

KEVIN DOHERTY, le 30 mai 2022

Eva-Mae and family

Sincere sympathy in the loss of your loved one.Hopefully memories will comfort you at this time.

Doreen Morissette , le 30 mai 2022

Eva Mae & Family

So sorry for your loss of your best friend & husband thinking of you. Bev & family luv you❤

Bev, le 30 mai 2022

Eva Mae

André et moi te souhaitons nos sympathies, ainsi qu'à toute la famille. André considérait John comme son mentor et lui vouait beaucoup de respect.
Hélène et André Leduc

Hélène et André Leduc, le 30 mai 2022

Eva -Mae

Best thoughts to all . John was one of a kind .
Best wishes.
Kimball & Lisa

Kimball SMITH, le 30 mai 2022

Eva Mae

So sorry ,our deepest sympathy.
Ross and Brenda

Brenda Thomas, le 31 mai 2022

Cindy and Judy

So sorry for your loss. It has been a long time but I remember John as a kind man

Carol Whitehead , le 31 mai 2022

Eva Mae and family

Please accept our deepest sympathies. John was a true gentleman.

Denis and Elizabeth Hatcher, le 31 mai 2022

NICHOL, John Wesley

All my sympathy to the familie. We will miss you at the club. Rest in peace

Gaetan Croteau, le 31 mai 2022

Eva-Mae, Cindy ,Judy & Family

So sad to hear. John was a pillar of the community and will long be remembered. Our thoughts and prayers are with you at this time.
RIP John.

David&Helga Price, le 31 mai 2022

Eva Mae

My thoughts and prayers are with you, Eva Mae.
My sincere sympathy.

Janet McLellan

Janet McLellan , le 31 mai 2022


You’re always in my heart and on my mind. There are no words to ease the pain of your loss.
Much love.

Liz & Eric, le 31 mai 2022

Eva Mae and family

Our deepest sympathies he will be missed by all who new him. Find comfort in your memories.

Debbie and phil, le 31 mai 2022

Eva Mae and the Family

John was a very lovely, fun person. I send my sincere condolences to the whole family!

Myrna Eurchuk, le 31 mai 2022

The Nichol Family

Sincere sympathy to the family he will be missed.

KATHLEEN MACKEY, le 31 mai 2022


My deepest sympathies to you and your Family.

Ross Winslow, le 31 mai 2022

Eva May and family

I am sorry I will be away but most certainly would have been present. I send my heartfelt sympathies to all of you. May you find comfort in your precious memories.
Sincerely Lynne Beattie

Lynne Beattie, le 31 mai 2022

Cindy and family

Thinking of you Cindy at this difficult time. Hugs
My most sincere sympathies

Lynne Beattie, le 31 mai 2022

To the Nicol Family,

Sincere sympathy to the Nicol family in the loss of a very special person to all. I remember John at Nicol's store along with his Brother, Father and Mother and Uncle. Years have gone by since I was in Lennoxville but remember it well. We Bassett's shopped there all the time. I met Cindy at Bishop's when SHS had their reunion years ago.

May the many wonderful memories you all have be a comfort to you during this difficult time. Condolences and Hugs to all.

Sincerely, Alice (Bassett the middle sister) Johnston. Newmarket, Ont.

Alice Johnston, le 31 mai 2022

Eva Mae & Family

Sorry to hear of your loss of such a nice friendly man

Pat Goodwin, le 31 mai 2022

Eva-Mae and family

I’m so very sorry for your loss, a very kind and loving man will always be remembered xxx

Robin Lundeborg Standish, le 31 mai 2022

The Nichol Family

Our hearts and prayers go out to all of you in this time of loss.
Susan (Patrick) Welch
Brenda Slaney (Patrick)

Susan and Brenda, le 1 juin 2022

EVA-MAE et famille

Sincères condoléances, vous perdez une personne très importante dans vos vies et le Club Compton aussi. Il était toujours disponible pour aider et rendre service. Repose en paix John.

Andrée et Robert Fillion, le 1 juin 2022

Eva-Mae,Paula, Judy, Cindy and family

I'm so very sorry for your loss. You have all been a big part of my life. John was a wonderful man and a Treasured friend of my parents. He will be sadly missed by all who knew him. I'm sorry I won't be able to make it Sunday for the visitation and service. Megan is showing her horse for the first time in Ayers Cliff this weekend. My thoughts and prayers are with you all.
Sandra Hodge

SandrabHodge, le 1 juin 2022

Eva-Mae et famille Sarrasin et Nichol

Toutes nos profondes sympathies pour la perte d'un homme si précieux. Tu nous manqueras John.
Raymonde Scrosati et Denis Boisvert

Raymonde Scrosati, le 1 juin 2022

Cindy & Family

So sorry to hear the loss of your Dad.
My prayers are with all of you , during this time of sorrow
My Sincere sympathy to you Cindy

Kind regards, Nancy Vintinner Lemieux

Nancy Lemieux, le 2 juin 2022

Eva-mae and family

Our sympathies to your family, Eva-mae. So sorry for your loss.

Gerry and Sue Munday, le 2 juin 2022

Eva-Mae and family

My sympathies for your great loss! John will never be forgotten!

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Thomas Goulet , le 4 juin 2022

EVA MAE& Family

John was always so good to me

Keith MacDonald, le 5 juin 2022

Eva May

Please accept our sincere condolences. John was a most gentle, sweet man.

George Garard/ Heather Grant, le 16 juin 2022

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