Achilles, Judy May - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Achilles, Judy May


1956 - 2019

It is with sad hearts that we announce the passing of Mrs Judy May Achilles at the CHUS Fleurimont, on February 9th, 2019, at the age of 62.  Beloved wife of Richard Roy from Ogden.

Besides her husband, Mrs Achilles leaves to mourn her daughter Sarah; her grandchildren Leah and Ash-Lee; the children of her husband: Brenda (Reynald Viens), Alec, Angèle (Gordon Colt) and Mélanie (Marcus Goodsell) as well as their children.  She also leaves her sisters and her brother: Linda (Michel Bélanger), Hélène (late Gilles Bélanger), Peggy (late Kenneth Buzzell), Janice and Gérald (Barbara), her brothers and sisters in law from the Roy family as well as many cousins, nephews, nieces, other relatives and friends.

 A private service will be held at a later date.

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The Family of Judy

Our Deepest Sympathies, Judy was a hard working,loving person we will always cherish the memories we have of her forever in our hearts

Robin Lundeborg , le 16 février 2019

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