13 messages reçus
Bob Dalton
Our deepest sympathies to the Family and extended Family.
R.I.P Kathleen.
Barry & Daphne Horan
Barry HORAN, le 5 mars 2019
Robert and family
My sympathies to you Robert and all the family from jacques and francine st pierre sorry we will not de able to assit to funeral being out of the contry for a while yet
Jacques st pierre, le 5 mars 2019
The dalton family
So sorry to heard about kathy passing. I enjoyed working with her many years at the wales home.. All of the family are in my thoughts at this difficult time. Blessing to all the family!
Lisa fowler, le 5 mars 2019
Robert Dalton
I just heard about your wife Kathy..so sorry !!! I hope you have strength and family around you in the coming days..I will certainly be thinking and praying for you...Your Montreal cousin, Frances ,Yosh and Mika xx
France’s DelaneyYoshimura, le 5 mars 2019
Heidi Dalton and family
Dear Heidi,
It is with great sadness that I heard of the loss of your mother so suddenly. May the love of family and friends comfort you during these difficult times. My sincere sympathy to you, Tony, Kaitlyn and Taylor.
Claire Beaubien, le 5 mars 2019
Bob & Family
My sincere sympathy to you all.
Vern Doyle, le 6 mars 2019
Tim Dalton et Annie
Je vous souhaite mes sincères condoléances à vous chers amis. Mes pensées sont avec vous tous pour traverser cette épreuve difficile. Je vous souhaite bon courage je suis de tout coeur avec vous!
Vicky Dupont, le 6 mars 2019
Bob et famille
mes sincères condoléances a toi et ta famille
Yvon Leclerc , le 6 mars 2019
Heidi and Tony
Heidi, we were saddened to learn of your mother’s passing. Please extend our sympathies to your family members.
Thinking of you,
Josée & Bill (Rourke)
Josée Rourke, le 8 mars 2019
Robert Dalton
Please accept my message of sympathy to you and your family. It is difficult to lose a loved one but time will help with the healing.
Brenda Horan-Philbrick, le 9 mars 2019
the family
My sincerest sympathies to the family. I enjoyed working with Kathy for years. She was a wonderful nurse.
stacey lancaster, le 10 mars 2019
Sorry to hear of your loss. My condolences.
Derrill Henderson, le 11 mars 2019
Heidi Dalton and family
So sorry to hear of your Mom's passing. Enjoyed the many years I worked
with her.
My sympathy,
Judy Gifford
Judy Gifford, le 12 mars 2019