Bliss, Leslie - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bliss, Leslie

BLISS, Leslie

1932 - 2022

A son domicile d'Ayer’s Cliff, le 6 août 2022, à l’âge de 90 ans, est décédé paisiblement M. Leslie Bliss.  Époux bien-aimé de feu Ethel Davis.

Leslie laisse dans le deuil ses filles Laureen (Lee), Katharine (Brian) et Sandy. Il manquera beaucoup à ses petits-enfants Sarah (Marco), Gabriel (Sonia), Jessica (Mike) et Breanne (Troy), ainsi qu'à ses arrière-petits-enfants Audrey, Malcolm, Josephine et Elizabeth. Il était le frère de feu Douglas (feu Evelyn), feu Lois (feu Stanley), feu Phyllis (Ernie), feu Elwyn (Joyce), Barbara (Norman) et Linda (Richard) et le beau-frère de Betty (feu Andrew). Il laisse également ses nièces, neveux, cousins, cousines, autres parents, plusieurs amis, Coal et Chestnut.

 La famille vous accueillera à la Résidence Funéraire Cass, 900, rue Clough, Ayer's Cliff, QC, le samedi 13 août 2022, de 9 h à 11 h. Une cérémonie d’adieu suivra à 11h. Inhumation au cimetière de Fairfax.

 La famille tient à exprimer sa reconnaissance à Jean-Philippe, au personnel et aux médecins du CLSC et de l'hôpital de Magog ainsi qu'aux voisins et amis pour le soutien et les soins prodigués à Leslie.

En guise de sympathies, des dons à la Fondation de l'Hôpital de Magog, 50, rue St-Patrice Est, Magog, QC, J1A 3X3, seraient appréciés par la famille.

21 messages reçus

Leslie's family

I've known Leslie for 40 years -- he was instrumental in constructing my Japanese garden with Tib Beament. He was a good friend, an inspiring spirit, an honest broker and loyal to the woods, his tractor and cribbage. He visited only a few months ago and he was clearly missing Ethel. May he rest in peace and may your memories of him give you comfort.

Dian Cohen, le 9 août 2022

The Family

We would like to extend our deepest sympathy to Leslies family and friends. We always enjoyed visiting with him whenever our paths would cross . Some of our memories of Leslie go back to when he and Ethel were raising their daughters on their farm on Fairfax road and the wonderful times spent with all his family there. Ayers Cliff will not be the same without Leslie friendly smile and his kind words! Special hugs to Laureen, Kathy and Sandra.

Larry and Lorrayne (Roger) Markwell, le 9 août 2022

To the entire family

Richard and I extend our deepest sympathies to the family at the passing of Leslie. May the Lord comfort you in these difficult times.

Richard L Smith Diane Gilbert (Smith), le 9 août 2022

The Bliss family

I will miss all the phone chats with Leslie. So happy to have made his acquaintance. Condolences to Kathy and all the family.

Nancy McAuley, le 9 août 2022

Laureen Kathy Sandra & families

So very sorry to hear of uncle Leslie’s passing. We will keep you in our thoughts & prayers May all the wonderful memories bring you peace!

Jeff & Marg Bliss , le 9 août 2022

The Bliss Family

So sorry to hear of your loss. My sincere condolences to Kathy and the whole family. Kathy and I spent our Elementary school years in the same classroom & travelled by bus together throughout high school.

Shane Whipple, le 9 août 2022

Maureen ,Sarah, Gabriel

Mes condoléances à vous trois et votre famille.
Votre père a été ,un très bon voisin toujours souriant et agréable.
Triste nouvelle , d'apprendre le départ de cette belle âme.
Nous prions pour vous.
Diane Bousquet
Michel Cloutier et famille

Diane Bousquet, le 9 août 2022

To the Bliss Families

My deepest sympathies to all of you.
He was a wonderful man

Pauline Roger, le 9 août 2022

To Mr Blisses family

I'm so sorry for your loss your dad was a wonderful kind person he will be missed.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Carol Davidson , le 9 août 2022

Katharine and Familyb

I am so deeply sorry for your loss. Sending you my love and prayers.

Mary Hoadley , le 9 août 2022

The family

Our sincere sympathies for your loss.Leslie was a good friend to my mum,Marion Cox.

Vicki and Henk Stremmelaar, le 9 août 2022

Laureen, Kathy, Sandy and all the family

So sorry. Such a nice man. Good memories.

Jane Standish, le 10 août 2022

Sarah et famille

Toutes mes sympathies!

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Nathalie Routhier, le 10 août 2022

Family of leslie

Our deepest sympathies to all the families. Leslie was a very nice person.

Cynthia Blouin, Doris nicholson, le 10 août 2022

The Bliss Family

My deepest sympathies to the Bliss Family & Freinds may Leslie RIP

Elisabeth Houle, le 10 août 2022

Mr. Leslie Bliss

My deepest sympathies to you my friend Sandy, Katherine, Laureen and your family, I will keep Mr Bliss close at heart, he will be missed, visits always a pleasure(just like home), sending hugs and love Always Ann

Ann Arnone, le 11 août 2022

katharine and Family bliss

Sympathy and condolences to the family of Mr. bliss was a very nice and funny man and a perfect customer we never forget him thank you for your buissness mr john deere ;)

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Andre from DEDE RACING , le 11 août 2022

The family

My deepest sympathy to all of you. Leslie will be sadly missed in the community.

Muriel Martin, le 11 août 2022


Deepest sympathy. Sorry to hear about Uncle Leslie's passing, our thoughts and prayers are with you.

Shawn, Chrim, Sarah, Julia Middleton, le 12 août 2022

Catherine and the Bliss families

Brian advised us of this very sad event. We only knew Mr. Bliss very late in his life, but he was so amusing, indeed humorous, and perceptive that he will always remain in my memory. God rest him and deep condolences to Catherine and the family from the Sheards.

Douglas & Lysianne Sheard, le 12 août 2022

To Kathy and all the family

Mr Bliss will miss to the whole community. He was a kind neighboor, always ready to help with a kind smile and so generous. My best thoughts to Kathy and Brian specialy, you have been always there for him.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Clothilde Gingras, le 13 août 2022

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