Drouin Kydd, Linda - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Drouin Kydd, Linda


1947 - 2019

À son domicile le mercredi 27 février 2019, est décédée paisiblement entourée de sa famille, Mme Linda Drouin, à l’âge de 71 ans, fille de feu Omer Drouin et feu Reta Clark.

Elle laisse dans le deuil son époux aimant et dévoué Brian Kydd; ses enfants : Shane (Kelly), Shanna et Corey Kydd (Jie); ses 7 petits-enfants : Alison, Andrew et Kelsea Kydd, Liam Bowen, Tyler, Tanner et Leila Kydd ainsi que son frère Larry Drouin (Catherine). Elle laisse également dans le deuil ses neveux, nièces, autres parents et amis.

La famille accueillera parents et amis à la Résidence funéraire Cass de Richmond (295, rue Principale Sud) le samedi 29 juin 2019 de 12 h à 15 h. Suivra un service funéraire au cimetière Ste-Anne de Richmond.

En témoignage de votre sympathie, au lieu de fleurs, des dons à la Société canadiene du cancer (www.cancer.ca/fr) ou à la Fondation du CHUS (http://www.fondationchus.org/ )  seraient appréciés.

17 messages reçus

To the whole family

Our sincere sympathies to the whole family, I had the pleasure to work with Linda and i have nothing but good memories from those days. Linda was a really nice and kind person, sorry for your lost.

Herman & Jo ann Herbers

Jo Ann Herbers, le 4 mars 2019

Shanna Kydd

Dear Shanna: Doug and I and our family want to extend our sympathy to you and your family on the passing of our mom. Kelly has told us how close you were. I am sure you are grateful for that at least. I hope all your good memories will flood over you in the next weeks and always. Remember her with all the love you have. Doug and Heather Fitzmorris

Heather Fitzmorris, le 4 mars 2019

Brian and family

I am so sorry for your loss. I know this is a very difficult time. Take comfort in the wonderful memories you all made together and the loving family that surrounds you.

Sincerely Kim and Jamie Chapman, le 4 mars 2019

Shanna Kydd

I did not know your motherLinda except through you.You loved her dearly and always will.Your heart is breaking right now but you are strong and I know she will be watching over you all the days of your life. Rip Linda. Taken far too soon but will be missed forever

Vivianne Pearse, le 4 mars 2019

Brian and family

My sincere sympathy to you all!! Sending prayers and hugs at this sad time!❤️❤️

Valerie Fowler , le 4 mars 2019

Larry Drouin

Our sincere sympathy to you ,Larry , & all of the family on the loss of Linda .

Garth & Marian Mackay, le 4 mars 2019

Linda’s family

So sorry to hear of Linda’s passing. Went to highschool with her and lived in Sawyerville. Only good memories. Rest in peace Linda and condolences to Brian and her family.

Cheryl and Dan Hodge, le 4 mars 2019

Brian and Family Larry, Cathy and family

We were saddened to hear of Linda's passing. Our thoughts are with you all at this difficult time. I have lots of memories of Linda as we were growing up.

Carolyn(Dillon) Terry Cairns, le 4 mars 2019

Shanna and Family

My deepest condolences to you and your family in your time of sorrow.

Erin and Abel Macias, le 4 mars 2019

The family

It is with sadness that I right this note. I am sorry for your loss. Linda and I shared books went there was shortage of books. No wonder I has to take grade 11 over. I was so happy to find her on facebook. I will always remember her as a friend. My sympathy to her husband, her family, her children and friends.
Donna Forgrave Calgary, AB

Donna Forgrave, le 4 mars 2019

Bryan and family

Sympathies to all the family

Jacques and francine st pierre, le 5 mars 2019

Brian Kydd

Sorry Brian for Your Lost Brian to You and Your Family From My wife Linda and I, We send Our Deepest Sympathy.

Terry Rodgers, le 7 mars 2019

To the whole family

My sympathy to you all. I would not have had the opportunity to get to know Linda as I did had I not have the opportunity to work at the CIBC. Hold your memories close❤️

Judy Nelson, le 7 mars 2019

Brian Kydd and Family.

So sorry for your lost Brian,I am so glad that we stopped in last summer to see you folks.I have a lot of memories of Linda and Larry at Omer and Rita's place in Sawyerville.Our condolences to you and your family.

Robert (Bob) Harrison, le 7 mars 2019

Brian and family

Sincere sympathies to you Brian and your family. J'ai eu le plaisir de travailler avec Linda pendant 5 ans et je garderai toujours un très bon souvenir de cette personne spéciale.

Yvon Boutin et Yol Chailler, le 13 mars 2019


We have been friend for a long time Shanna and I know how much you are grieving your mothers passing. You often told me she was your best friend so that loss must feel unbearable but she would want you to stay strong and get on with your life. Take comfort that she is now free from pain and walks with God in Heaven. You will always have her in your heart and memories. Love and hugs to you and your family

Vivianne , le 7 juin 2019

Kydd Family

I wanted to offer my condolences to Brian and children. I can remember having a lot of fun at your house when we’d visit with our trailer. Linda was always kind and generous. A good mom. My parents will take good care of her up in heaven!

Michelle Drouin-Ballach (Donnie/Bonnie’s Daughter) , le 16 juin 2019

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