Gunter, Lorna Bernice - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Gunter, Lorna Bernice

GUNTER, Lorna Bernice

1936 - 2019

Décédée paisiblement au Centre d'hébergement Richmond, le jeudi 2 mai 2019, à l'âge de 82 ans.

Épouse bien-aimée de feu Lorne Lyster et mère de Cecil (Suzanne), Laura, Beverley (Pierre), Tina, Wesley (Manon), feu Karen (Dave), Claire (Paul) et Jamie (Julie).

Elle laisse dans le deuil ses frères et soeurs Calvin (feu Florence), Julia (Wayne), feu Jack (Pat), Merlin (Mary) et feu Gary (Heather).

Elle était la grand-mère adorée de 16 petits-enfants et de 12 arrière-petits-enfants et demi.

La famille vous accueillera à la Résidence funéraire Cass au 295, rue Principale Sud, Richmond, QC, le jeudi 9 mai 2019 de 19 h à 21 h et le vendredi 10 mai 2019 de 10 h à 11 h. Les funérailles suivront à 11 h au salon funéraire. L'inhumation aura lieu au cimetière Maple Grove.

11 messages reçus

the Lyster family

So sorry to hear about aunt Lorna. Out thoughts and prayers are with all of you.
Sherrie and Joe Aylward and family and Calvin Gunter.

Sherrie Aylward, le 6 mai 2019

Family of Mrs. Lorna Gunter Lyster

My sincere sympathy to you all.
I got to know your mother while we both attended Day Center and enjoyed her quiet company. Of course, I remember most of you from school.
Lorna will be missed.

Jean Storry, le 7 mai 2019

Lorna's children.

You are not just cousins, but beloved niece and nephews in the hearts of my family. Memories of our Volkswagon full of kids, Steve riding his bike out to your place from Waterloo, on his 12th birthday, to visit Joey, even though your family had just left. He said he was but we didn't take him seriously.. The road ahead is going to be rough, for a long time, but talk about your mom as often as you can. She was a beautiful lady and we loved her. She was Auntie Lorna for my kids.. God be with you, hugs from Auntie Thelma.

Thelma Johnston Laprise, le 7 mai 2019

The family of Lorna

We want to express our sympathy and let you know that our thoughts are with you. Please accept our deepest condolences for your family's loss.
Pat & Pam Gunter

Pam Gunter, le 7 mai 2019

Claire and family

So sorry to hear of your mom's passing. May you find peace in memories you have of her.

Jane Pedlar, le 7 mai 2019

To all Lorna's family

Our Sincere Sympathies to all Lorna's family.
I have many memories of years ago getting together playing cards etc.
Thinking of you all.
Anne (Nixon) Knowles & Toby Knowles

Anne Knowles, le 7 mai 2019

Claire and family

I came across a something today that I Hope may offer some comfort.
“No person is ever trying alone” by Richard Fife
No person is ever truly alone.
Those who live no more,
Whom we loved,
Echo still within our thoughts,
Our words, our hearts.
And what they did
And who they were
Becomes a part of all that we are
Our condolences to all who have been touched and loved by Lorna
Dorothy and Andrew

Dorothy, le 7 mai 2019

Tina lyster

Mes sympathies ma Tina à toi et ta famille

Sylvie salter ferme Burnbrae , le 9 mai 2019

Wesley(Manon) et Claire(Paul)

Mes plus sincères condoléances ainsi qu'à toute votre famille.Que la présence de parents et amis vous soit d'un grand réconfort en ces moments difficiles.

Carmen Noël Kingsbury, le 9 mai 2019

The Family of Lorna Gunter

My sincere sympathy to the whole family.
I'm afraid I can't be there with you all because I was just operated on.
But our thoughts are with you and I always thought the world of your Mom.
We had many good times together for many years.
May the Angels take her in their arms and watch over you all
Nelson also sends his sympathy.

Lorraine and Nelson Murphy, le 9 mai 2019

My cousins and family of Lorna

We are saddened to hear of the passing of Aunt Lorna. Even though we are unable to attend your mom’s service our thoughts are with all of you.
Laird & Sylvia

Laird & Sylvia Lyster, le 9 mai 2019

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