Audet Fletcher, Louise - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Audet Fletcher, Louise


1938 - 2022

C’est avec tristesse que nous vous annonçons le décès de Mme Louise Fletcher, survenu le vendredi 9 décembre 2022, à l’âge de 84 ans, des suite d’une courte maladie reliée à la COVID. Elle demeurait à Sherbrooke et était la fille de Romeo Audet et Kathleen Morin.

Veuve de M. Douglas Fletcher avec qui elle a été mariée pendant 54 ans et sœur de feu Maureen Prince.

Louise laisse dans le deuil, ses enfants : Patty (Kirby Cunha), John (Sonya Page), Kathryn (Scott Robinson); ses petits-enfants : Olivia Cunha, Dylan et Rowan Fletcher, Alyssa (Matthew Gaetano), Arielle et Aaron Robinson ainsi que ses précieux arrière-petits-enfants Avery et Augustus Gaetano.

Louise a profité de la vie au maximum. Elle était des plus heureuse dans sa cour remplie de fleurs, spécialement à son chalet au bord de l’eau dans le Vermont. Lorsque c’était possible, elle était toujours partante pour relever un défi lors d’une partie de Majong ou de Scrabble avec des adversaires compétitifs. Les jeux de cartes n’étaient jamais bien loin également. La tête toujours pleine de projets, Louise était toujours en train de penser aux prochaines rénovations, jamais de moments ennuyeux avec elle. Lorsque Louise n’était pas occupée à faire mille et une choses, elle était très heureuse d’avoir sa famille près d’elle. Elle disait toujours qu’elle était « bénie » et elle l’était véritablement.

Les funérailles seront célébrées, en l’église Saint-Patrick de Sherbrooke, le samedi 17 décembre à 13h., suivies de l’inhumation au cimetière Saint-Michel. La famille recevra les condoléances à l’église dès midi.

21 messages reçus

Kathryn and Scott Robinson and Family

My heartfelt sympathies go out to you and your family at this most difficult time, Kathy. You are in my thoughts and prayers. Hugs.

kathryn Cloutier, le 12 décembre 2022

The family

So sad to hear about Louise passing, I offer you my sincere condolences.
I meet Louise through Avon, it was always a pleasure being around her.
I will treasure her laughter always.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Christine Schoolcraft, le 12 décembre 2022

The Family

Heartfelt sympathies on the passing of Louise. We were longtime friends from our school days.
Ron & Pierrette McCone

Ronald McCone, le 13 décembre 2022

Louise Audet Fletcher

You will be missed by everyone who knew you. May your passing be a blessing.

Ireen Walsh - CRC colleage, le 13 décembre 2022

Kathryn et la famille

Je pense à vous... sincères condoléances à toi chère Kathryn et à toute la famille. Bisous

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Louise Deslauriers , le 13 décembre 2022

The Family

So very sad to hear the sad news.
Wonderful memories of times spent with Louise & Doug. They are back together again. Our thoughts and prayers are with all the Family.
RIP Louise.

David& Helga Price, le 13 décembre 2022

Kathryn Fletcher

My sincere condoleances to you and your family. Thinking of you during this difficult time.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Nancy Larose, le 13 décembre 2022

Kathie Fletcher Robinson and family

My deepest sympathies to all of you at this difficult time. Your mum was a great lady and always on the go. We loved having your family as neighbors for many years. She will be missed. Hugs xo

Lynne Beattie, le 13 décembre 2022

Kathryn et a toute ta famille

Toutes mes sincères condoléances, je suis de tout cœur avec toi. Xxx

Denise Vincent , le 13 décembre 2022

Kathy and Family

You and your family have our deepest sypathies on the loss of your Mom.

Barry and Laura Deadman, le 13 décembre 2022

Kathie and Scott

Our deepest sympathies to you and the whole family. We can’t be there for the ceremony so I, Laurie, will we looking towards the sky at 1pm on Saturday and saying, “I am blessed”.

Laurie & Mark Strout, le 13 décembre 2022

Kathie and family

Sincères sympathies à toute la famille. Mes pensées sont avec vous

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Hélène Bougie, le 13 décembre 2022

Patti, Kathy, and Family

Patti, Kathy and Family, we are so sorry for the loss of your Mother. Please accept our deepest condolences.

Donna and Michael Barsness, le 14 décembre 2022

The family

Sincere condolences to all of you, from an ex-colleague of Champlain College.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Suzanne Blouin, le 15 décembre 2022

Kathryn and Family

Our very deepest sympathies to you and your family at this most difficult time.

Blanche and Bernard Chretien, le 15 décembre 2022

Kathi and Family

Wayne joins me in extending our deepest condolences to Patty, John, Kathi and all their families on the loss of Louise. We were fortunate to have had a wonderful visit with Louise in September. She looked and sounded so well. I shall miss my cousin and our chats on the phone, our games of “Words with Friends” and the many laughs we shared.

Elizabeth Philip Burroughs, le 15 décembre 2022

Louise Audet Fletcher

Dear Kathi, John and Patty

The Philip family is devastated by the news Louise's sudden death. I am writing on behalf of my siblings to express our deepest sympathies as you and your families try to cope with the extent of grief that you are experiencing.

Kay and I will be at the church service on Saturday to represent the Philip family.

Personally, I am still trying to absorb the shock of this news.

Louise and I had regular phone calls, an exchange of family photos, greeting cards for our special occasions, and updates on our respective families. Our phone calls often included memories of her visits to Windsor Mills and the strong bond she felt towards the Philip family. In return, I have many wonderful memories of the Audet family when they lived on Royal St. in Sherbrooke, summers in the Newport cottage, and then in Belvedere Heights.

Louise left an indelible imprint on her wonderful family and friends.

May each of you find comfort in knowing Louise she was someone very special who knew how to make the most of each day and to express gratitude for the gifts bestowed on her.

With love to all,

Patty Philip

Patricia PHILIP, le 15 décembre 2022

kathy and family

so sory for your lost.x

carole guimond, le 16 décembre 2022


My Auntie had a special gift
She knew just what to do
To make me happy all the time
And show she loved me too

At Christmas and Thanksgiving
She's the person I looked for
She stayed at my house overnight
But I wanted her to stay for more

I could tell when she was joking
By the twinkle in her eyes
She was the best at solving problems
She was patient and so wise

Louise was so creative
With her poetry and crafts
And every time I was with her
We had a lot of laughs

I will always admire my Auntie
For my whole life you see
Because even though I'm not a kid
She still loved so much of me.
Forever grateful, Mouse.

Lisa, le 16 décembre 2022

Patty, John, Kathy

My sympathies to you and your family for the loss of your mother Louise. Having known her for many years as a friend and a co-worker we have enjoyed many happy times with her.

janice Begbie, le 17 décembre 2022

Patty, John, and Kathryn

I extend my deepest sympathy to you for the loss of your dear Mom. She will be deeply missed. I have so many fond memories of all of you at the Heights.
God bless.

Debbie Morehouse Parkhill, le 18 décembre 2022

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