Bradley, Margaret - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bradley, Margaret

BRADLEY, Margaret

1941 - 2023

 Margaret Joyce Bradley passed away aged 82 on April 18, 2023, at the Wales Home in Richmond. She was the daughter of the late Wesley Hyndman Bradley and the late Joyce Pashley Bradley.

She leaves to mourn her brothers Michael (Suzanne Kohl), Richard (Anne Brown) and sister Elizabeth Ann Bates. She also leaves to mourn many nieces and nephews. Margaret was born in Sherbrooke Quebec, but spent many years both living and working in Montreal and also volunteering at the Reddy Memorial Hospital until its closure.

The family would like thank the staff and volunteers at the Wales Home for their care and kindness. A memorial will be held at a later date during the summer.


4 messages reçus

Michael, Suzanne and Family

We extend our deepest condolences to the family.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, le 1 mai 2023


Sincere condolences Richard

Rod Bishop, le 22 mai 2023


Sincere condolences Richard

Rod Bishop, le 22 mai 2023


Sincere condolences Richard

Rod Bishop, le 22 mai 2023

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