Kyle St-Onge, Marian - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Kyle St-Onge, Marian


1933 - 2024

Marian passed away peacefully at the Wales Home (Cleveland, QC) on January 11, 2024.

She was the beloved wife of the late Archie and cherished mother of: Deane (Connie), Lori (Tim), Holly (Mike), Lee (John) and the late Allan. Marian will be deeply missed by her grandchildren: Kieran, Korie, Kristin, Rhys, Rebecca, Curtis, Megan, Danielle, Jamie, Matthew and Christopher as well as many great grandchildren.  

In respect of her wishes, there will be no visitation and a private graveside service will be held for her and Archie in the spring in Huntingdon, QC.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Alzheimer Society would be greatly appreciated by the family.

Heartfelt thanks to the staff at the Wales Home for their exceptional care provided to Mom.

4 messages reçus

Holly and family

Our thoughts and prayers are with you and the family on your loss.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Delbert and Christina Smith, le 20 janvier 2024

To all the family

Our deepest sympathies

Kelly + Linda Ross, le 20 janvier 2024

The family

My condolences.

Jolene Stewart , le 21 janvier 2024

The St-Onge family

Our deepest sympathies on the passing of your beloved mother. Cherish her memories

Scott and Kathie Robinson , le 27 janvier 2024

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