14 messages reçus
The Coddington family
My deepest condolences.
Patrice Proulx, le 4 août 2023
The family
My deepest sympathies to the family. She was a wonderful women who will be missed by many. Xx
Tina Boccarossa, le 4 août 2023
Thomas and Kathleen Coddington family
Our deepest sympathies. Marion loved sharing about Montgomery / Coddington family history when attending the Moore Farm Reunions. We had the pleasure of meeting Marion and Kathleen and Coddington children over several reunions.
Marian Simons, le 5 août 2023
Thomas and Kathlene Coddington family
We are sorry for your loss. We also immensely enjoyed getting to know Marion during the Moore/Montgomery family reunions at the farm in Island Pond. She was so happy and told great family stories that made many laugh. Marion was full of love for her family. We also enjoyed getting to meet Kathleen and the Coddington family girls. You have a wonderful family and are very blessed. We are praying for comfort for you and your family at this time.
John and Sue MacDonald, le 5 août 2023
The Family
Just heard the sad news. My deepest sympathies to the whole family.
Tim Later, le 6 août 2023
The Family
My sympathies to all the family
Beverley Knowles, le 6 août 2023
Marion's family
My sincere sympathy to all the family. She will be greatly missed by the whole community. It was my pleasure to have known her.
Jean Storry, le 6 août 2023
Coddington family
My mother, (Lois McGreer nee, Baker) was saddened by the news of Marion’s passing. I remember visiting their home as a child, it was all quite exciting as we got to ride the train to go for the visit with Aunt Elsie and Marion and the boys…. Our thoughts and prayers are with you all! A life time of memories for my mother, Lois… she tried to call her several months ago, but Marion was out of her room and she didn’t return the call….
Again, our thoughts are with you all and your families,
Lois, Roberta and Vickie McGreer
Vickie McGreer, le 7 août 2023
Marion Coddington
It has been a long time since I've seen my sister-in-law's sister Marion, but I still send my love across the years and miles to her entire family and friuends. I've shared the following message in the past and would like to do so again: It was written by a British clergyman in the late 1800's and I find it comforting: "I am standing on the seashore. A ship spreads her white sails to the morning breeze and starts for the ocean. I stand watching her until she fades on the horizon, and someone at my side says, "She is gone." Gone where? The loss of sight is in me, not in her. Just at the moment when someone says, “She is gone,” there are others on the other side who are watching her coming. Other voices take up the glad shout, "Here she comes!" .. .. Henry Scott Holland (1847-1918)
Peter M Black, le 7 août 2023
Aux familles Montgomery et Coddington
Toute nos sympathies aux familles et proches de Mme Coddington Montgomery
Nos quelques échanges, sur divers sujets , en un français impeccable , me resteront toujours en mémoires
Martine Lavoie
Rémi Pelletier
Remi Pelletier , le 7 août 2023
The Coddington Family
Our deepest sympathies to all the family
Mary Gunter & Family , le 16 août 2023
Famille Coddington
C'est avec regret que nous avons appris le décès de Mme Marion Montgomery Coddington. Nous désirons offrir à Tim et sa famille nos plus sincères condoléances. Elle était adorable, faite pour aimer, nous garderons un excellent souvenir d'elle. Qu'elle repose en paix.
Famille Proulx, L'Avenir
J Proulx, le 18 août 2023
Family of Marion Coddington
To my Dear Cousins, I am so deeply sorry to hear of Cousin Marions passing. She will forever be remembered by all of us in the United States and at our Moore/Montgomery Family Reunions. I Love You All! Bonnie (Moore) Burnett, Vermont, USA
Bonnie Burnett, le 18 août 2023
The Coddington family
Our sympathies to the family
Wanda, Trenholm, Madison and Devin Morin , le 25 août 2023