Beckwith, Marjorie - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Beckwith, Marjorie

BECKWITH, Marjorie

1927 - 2018

Marjorie "Becky" Beckwith

Marjorie, in her 91st year, passed away peacefully into the presence of the Lord she loved and served faithfully, as a nurse and missionary for over 50 years in Angola where she was a great blessing to many people, caring for their health needs and committed to them receiving the message of her Lord's love for them.

She is predeceased by her four sisters and her brother.  She will be deeply missed by her sister Beryl and sister-in-law Elva, along with many nieces and nephews, great and great, great nieces and nephews.

It is a comfort to family and friends to know that she is where she wanted to be, with her Lord and Saviour.

A memorial service will take place Thursday May 31, 2018 at 2:00 p.m. at Grace Chapel, 267, Montreal Street, Sherbrooke, Qc.

A light lunch will be served.

In lieu of flowers, memorial gifts may be given to Parkside Ranch, 1505, chemin Alfred-Desrochers, Orford, Qc, J1X 6J4 or Frontier Lodge, 1406, rte 141, St Herménégilde, Qc, J0B 2W0.

2 messages reçus

Beryl, Elva

Dear Beryl and Elva,

What a surprise to learn of Margorie's passing, and especially hearing the news from PEI. My sister Joy saw the announcement on Facebook! No doubt the absence of the Strouts at this time accounts for the fact that I hadn't heard...

But, what joyful surprise must have been hers as she entered the Lord's presence! It is hard to imagine! Seeing God!! Seeing Jesus face to face! And also no doubt seeing people she ministered the Gospel to during her life!!

But for you there will be a big empty space in your hearts and I want to express my sincere sympathies. May the Lord's special presence be of comfort to you at this time.

Love in Christ, Marj Robbins

Marj Robbins, le 30 mai 2018

Beryl Beckwith and Elva Beckwith

Thinking of you at this time of your loss of Marjorie and her promotion to glory. I remember as a young boy with my family visiting your home in Sherbrooke, as we travelled in from Drummondville to attend services at Grace Chapel. I've enjoyed receiving detailed letters of the work overseas from Marjorie and also Doris Pittman and sensed the love for the work of the Lord there. Marjorie is now home, with old age and frailness behind, and I can only imagine the joy she is experiencing. You are in our prayers at this time asking for the Lord's peace and comfort, but knowing the future is bright.
With our love,
Peter and Mary Jean Howitt, Halifax

Peter and Mary Jean Howitt, le 31 mai 2018

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