8 messages reçus
The family
Oh my !! My sympathies to you all. I have fond memories of Mickey. She was one of the girls my grandmother Evelyn worked with in her last years at Dixville Home. She was always a delight and happy. Have fond memories of her walking with Donald Brown and his red wagon. She always called me sweetie whenever I saw her. May you cherish memories made with her.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Cyndi Matthews , le 23 février 2023
Mickeys family.
We extend our deepest sympathy to Mickeys family and her friends. I remember the good times we shared at Dixville Home especially in the Arts And Crafts classroom. Mickey was always a pleasure to teach and was very proud of her artistic creations . She melted hearts with her smile and her beautiful personality .Mickey was loved by all .
Larry and Lorrayne (Roger) Markwell, le 23 février 2023
The Family of Miriam Rose Crack.
Sinceres sympathies to the Family and Friends.
Paul and Linda Durocher, le 24 février 2023
Mickey's family
Sincere sympathy to the family.
Jean Storry, le 25 février 2023
David and Cindy
Although I didn’t know your aunt, I heard a lot about her from my brother Malcolm. I’m sorry for your loss and send my condolences to you all.
Sylvia Wheeler, le 2 mars 2023
David, Cyndy and the kids
Mes sympathies à vous tous. Dany-Ève et moi aimions beaucoup Mickey. She’s now asking everyone up there for their names and date of birth. :-)
Julie et Dany-Ève, le 3 mars 2023
A la famille crack
Toutes nos sincères sympathies
Guy et Colette Bisson, le 4 mars 2023
Robert and Phyllis
Mickey will be dearly missed.
Brenda Crack, le 10 juin 2023