Whitzman Fafard, Nadine - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Whitzman Fafard, Nadine


1956 - 2020

Passed away peacefully at the CHUS Hôtel-Dieu, on Sunday, February 16, 2020 at the age of 64. Cancer plagued her body, but God took her spirit and gave her peace. She was the daughter of the late Manuel Whitzman and Yetta Kane.

She leaves behind her husband of 40 years Luc Fafard, her daughter Melissa Fafard and grandson Jean-Luc, her son Marc Fafard and grandkids Alexa and Caleb. Also she leaves behind her brother Raymond Whitzman (Marilyn), the late Allen Whitzman. She will be missed by her aunts and uncles, nieces and nephews, relatives and friends.

Family and friends will be welcomed at Green Ridge Baptist Church in Lennoxville, Quebec for a celebration of her life on Saturday, February 22nd. There will be visitation from 1:00 p.m. to 3:00 p.m. with a service following. There will be a graveside service in the spring.

5 messages reçus

Luc, Melissa, Marc and family

It was with both extreme sadness and super fond memories of Nadine that we learned of her passing. Nadine was truly the epitome of a true servant of God. Her dedication to CAB over many years have certainly been recorded in heaven and now she can reap her rewards and hear those words that she strove to hear by living an exemplary life "well done thou good and faithful servant" . On behalf of all of us at CAB and the Johnston family please know that our thoughts and prayers are with you all during this difficult time. Precious in the sight of the Lord is the death of his godly ones.

Randy Johnston, le 18 février 2020

Luc Fafard

En témoignage de notre plus sincère sympathie,
Thérèse Deneault et Guy Rouillard

Guy Rouillard , le 18 février 2020

Luc, Melissa, Marc and family

Nadine was one of those rare treasures you sometimes have the privilege of meeting. She was such a beautiful example of the love of Jesus and shared that love freely. She had a servant heart and was dedicated in all she did. Through RSVP Ministries she shared as a speaker, an Area Representative, a chair, a communications assistant and was always available to help as needed but more than that she was a friend to many and such an inspiration. I'm glad her battle with this awful disease is over and it's wonderful that she is able to be with Jesus. On behalf of all of us at RSVP Ministries please know that our hearts go out to you her family. Our thoughts and prayers will be with you, may you sense his comfort and love.

Shirley Richardson, le 19 février 2020

Luc and all the family

Nadine certainly was known for her wonderful combination of faith and works. The campers and those of us associated with Camp d'Action Biblique were blessed by her love in action for many 20 years.

Roxieanne and I extend prayerful best wishes to Luc and all the family at this time. We also remember the wonderful words of assurance with you - "Death where is your sting ... Thanks be to God who gives us the victory through our Lord Jesus Christ."

Blake and Roxieanne Walker, le 19 février 2020

Luc Malissa and families

Nadine and I met through Christian Women, her love of the Lord was evident in all she did and said, she really lived her faith, and that drew me to her immediately.
She is at peace with her Lord, but she leaves a family to try to figure out how to cope without her loving kind ways.
My Sympathy and love to your whole family.
Pat Robb
Ottawa South Women's Connection

Pat Robb, le 20 février 2020

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