de Gruchy, Dr. Paul - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

de Gruchy, Dr. Paul


1940 - 2022

Paisiblement et entouré de sa famille, le 31 mai 2022, est décédé Paul de Gruchy, à l’âge de 81 ans.

Il était le fils de feu Raymond et Mary de Gruchy.

Il laisse dans le deuil, son fils Luke (Shari), sa soeur Sheila Logan (Richard) et son ancienne épouse Marie Trousdell.

Paul demeurera dans les souvenirs de ses nièces, cousins, cousins, nombreux autres parents amis ainsi qu’à plusieurs de ses étudiants à qui il a enseigné et ses anciens collègues durant sa longue carrière au Collège Champlain de Lennoxville.

C’était un homme érudit et était tout un philosophe, grand intellectuel, artiste et musicien accompli.

Paul n’hésitait jamais à tendre la main ou l’oreille pour ceux qui en avaient besoin.

La famille est très reconnaissante envers le personnel du Village Grace pour les merveilleux soins prodigués à Paul et leur gentillesse.

Les messages de condoléances peuvent être transmis sur le site Web des Résidences funéraires Cass à :

Au lieu de fleurs, des dons à l’organisme de votre choix seraient appréciés.

La crémation a eu lieu et une cérémonie intime sera tenue ultérieurement.

14 messages reçus

Paul’s family

Such a kind and gentle man always so appreciative. A gift to have gotten to care for him and get to know him in the past months at Grace village
Deepest sympathies

Ann Marcoux Nutbrown , le 2 juin 2022

Luke and Shari and Family

My sincere condolences on the passing of your Dad. May the many special memories you shared sustain you and bring you comfort at this very sad time. Recia

Recia Gordon, le 2 juin 2022

Mr. De Gruchys family

Despite him always insisting I call him Paul I always called him Mr. De Gruchy which always made him laugh. I was lucky enough to one of his students as well as care for him while working at Grace. He was such a gentle, kind and overall amazing man. He was one of those professors that would always stay with you and he always held a special place in my memories of Champlain along side Murray Johnston. He was very supportive when I first started at Grace having recognized me and remembered my name despite us not having seen each other in close to 10 years. I will always remember him singing Eagles songs on his key board, his amazing views of the world, him always sharing/giving you a book to read upon visiting him in his office (which me and many of my friends often did) and his funny movie reviews/recommendations.

My sympathies to Pauls friends/family during this time.

Un arbre est planté
à la mémoire du défunt
Rebecca Stuart, le 3 juin 2022

Luke and family

I was privileged to have Paul as a very helpful and supportive colleague and a very good friend for over 45 years. I'll miss him but I certainly won't forget him.

Don Atkinson, le 3 juin 2022

All the family

My sincere sympathies for you loss.
RIP Paul.

David Price, le 3 juin 2022

Luke, Shari, Marie Trousdell,

Mes pensées vous accompagnent suite au départ du Dr. Paul de Gruchy.

Pauline Gagnon

Pauline Chapdelaine Gagnon, le 3 juin 2022

Marie and Luke

A great sadness to hear of Paul's passing.
I knew him as a brother in Sigma Chi in London and then later as a faculty member at Champlain.
A quick mind and an easy disposition; he was a quiet ethicist in his own way.
We should remember his good times and forget the rest......

Curt Rose
Sherbrooke, QC

Curt Rose, le 3 juin 2022

de Gruchy family

My sincere condolences to Dr. de Gruchy's family. I was a student of his at Champlain College. He was a kind and generous professor. The courses he taught were stimulating and enriching and benefitted countless students through the years. May he rest in peace.

Matthew Begbie, le 3 juin 2022

Luke and family

It's with sadness that I learn about the death of Paul. I was his colleague at Champlain and we had great moments together talking about science, philosophy, ... and going for bike rides! I'll always remember his great mind and his kindness!

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Thomas Goulet , le 4 juin 2022


I am so sorry to hear of your loss. I hope you find some relief that his suffering is over.

He was a favorite teacher of mine. I took as many of his courses as I could, and he always seemed delighted by my projects. He never forgot my ideas about Where the Wild Things Are. I'm not alone in this. He was a really unique teacher in his excitement about ideas and interests.

When I started teaching at Champlain, he continued being really important to me. I could always rely on him. We talked about our courses and other interests at a level of detail that I've never experienced again.

He always kept me updated on what you were doing. I wish I had a father more like him--always fascinated by what you were doing and who you were becoming.

You're in my thoughts.

Katie Warlund, le 6 juin 2022

Luke and family

My sympathy for your loss.
Paul was a good friend and colleague at Champlain for many years and I especially appreciated the team teaching project that we shared.
May you find comfort in the good memories.

Patrick Draper, le 6 juin 2022

Luke & Shari & family

My brother Paul - Much loved and admired for his intellect, wry sense of humor, his ability to bang out boogie woogie on the piano, his cartooning and love of art, his huge sense of honor and his passion for what he believed in. Those are many of the memories I will cherish and hold close to my heart. Rest in peace my brother. much love your sister Sheila

Sheila J Logan, le 8 juin 2022

Paul's children

I knew your father for decades - as a colleague at Champlain with whom one could share interests and musings and from whom one always received kind and helpful words. We sat through I don't know how many meetings together and he was always thoughtful, always a supportive and caring colleague. It seems easy to take all of this for granted in the moment, but looking back, I know that my own time at Champlain was better for having known him.
Warm wishes to you all.

Mary Purkey, le 11 juin 2022

Sheila Logan

Sheila please accept my condolences on the passing of your brother Paul.

Gary Friedman, le 21 septembre 2023

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