Giroux Waite, Pauline - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Giroux Waite, Pauline


1933 - 2024

It is with profound sadness that we announce the death of Pauline Grace Waite (nee Giroux) at the CHSLD de Memphremagog on Monday, October 21, 2024, at the age of of 91. Pauline leaves to mourn her children Susan, Debra ( Celine Tardif), Cathy (Ron Demmers), Sharon ( Clark Derraugh), David (Joyce Wells), Dennis (Kathie Swim), and Paul (Sue Porter).  She also leaves 12 grandchildren and 12 great grandchildren. 


The family would like to thank the staff on the fifth floor of the CHSLD, who provided excellent care and support during her final days. 


The family will be having a private service.


Donations in memory of Mum can be made to Pet Connection Animal Rescue, c/o Jen Young, 1730 Wellington South, Sherbrooke, QC. J1M 1K9.


Pauline will be remembered as a loving mother, whose sense of humour filled our lives with joy. She was the glue that kept our family together, and she will be greatly missed.


“Mum is no more. She has ceased to be. Bereft of life, she rests in peace. She has kicked the bucket, hopped the twig, bit the dust, snuffed it, breathed her last, and gone to meet the Great Head of Light in the Sky.”

11 messages reçus

Susan, Debi, Cathy, Sharon, David, Dennis & Paul,

Our deepest sympathy on the loss of your mother. She was the greatest comedienne the family ever had and I'm sure she touched us all at some stage in our lives.

Un arbre est planté
à la mémoire du défunt
Joan & John Giroux, le 24 octobre 2024


When we leave this earth,the love that was shared, remains in your hearts and those wonderful memories will light your way for all your tomorrows.
Aunt Pauline was a wonderful lady full of charm.... biggest personality and was full of "Grace" She certainly had a way with words ! loved her stories .
Wishing you all comfort knowing we will always hold her dear in our hearts
Tony & Debi

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Debi Giroux, le 24 octobre 2024

The Waite family

Our deepest sympathy Dave, Joyce, Thomas and Julia on the loss of your Mother/Grandmother. Thinking of you and your entire family at this sad time,
Deb and Greg Bowes

Deb Bowes, le 24 octobre 2024

Susan and siblings

No matter how hard we try to prepare ourselves for the passing of a loved one, when it happens it is always a shock. I hope you get all the support you need to deal with this loss. Take care

Patricia Morissette, le 24 octobre 2024

Our cousins and Pauline's grandchildren and great grandchildren

Our thoughts are with your family during this challenging time. I hope that you can find comfort in the treasured memories you shared with Pauline, and may her legacy continue to shine brightly through the love and beauty she brought into your lives. Amongst our family Jacques has fond memories of some amazing Christmas trees and we, as a family, have a memory of a quick witted, compassionate and loving aunt. Please accept our deepest condolences.

Sandra, Sonia, Julie & Jacques Waite, le 25 octobre 2024

Sharon and family

We are so sorry for your loss. She sounds like she was a lovely person, very caring Mom and all around beautiful person. She will always be watching over you.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Kathy @ Ken Laverty , le 27 octobre 2024

La famille Waite

Mes plus sincères sympathies à vous tous. Mon souvenir de Pauline est son sourire et sa jovialité .

Monique Compagna, le 28 octobre 2024


Mes plus sincères condoléances à vous. Je suis de tout cœur avec vous

Annie Viens , le 29 octobre 2024

Famille Giroux

Mes plus sincères condoléances à vous. Je suis de tout cœur avec vous

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
pierre waite, le 30 octobre 2024

The Waite family

My most sincere sympathies on the passing of your mother. May the memories that she created bring comfort to all of you.

Douglas Campbell, le 20 novembre 2024

La famille Giroux

Je partage votre peine.
J'ai connu Pauline et d'autres membres de la famille du temps que j'étais avec Patricia Hevey.

Denis Pellerin, le 5 décembre 2024

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