Perron Gifford, Rachel - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Perron Gifford, Rachel


1921 - 2019

Au CHUS Hôtel-Dieu, le 30 janvier 2019, à l’âge de 97 ans, est paisiblement décédée Mme Rachel Perron, fille de feu Philippe Perron et feu Anna Gagnon, épouse depuis 74 ans de Raymond Gifford. Elle est précédée par ses 7 frères et sœurs.

Elle laisse dans le deuil ses enfants : Linda Waterman (Fred), Gary Gifford (Michelle); ses petits-enfants : Tammy, Rob (Terri), Kelly, Kim (Shaun), Nicole (Shaun), Ryan (Celia); et arrières petits-enfants : Amanda, Ryan, Freddie, Ashley, Jacob, Ciara, Noah, Hunter et Rachel. Elle laisse également dans le deuil de nombreux cousins, cousines, neveux, nièces autres parents et amis.

La famille accueillera parents et amis à la Résidence Funéraire Cass (295, Rue Principale Sud, Richmond, Qc), le dimanche 3 Février 2019 de 14h à 16h et de 19h à 21h. Une cérémonie religieuse aura lieu le lundi 4 Février 2019 à 11h en l’église Unie (247 Rue Principale S, Richmond).

Au lieu de fleurs, des dons à la Résidence Wales Home de Cleveland, Qc seraient appréciés de la famille.

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14 messages reçus

Linda and Fred

Sorry for your loss, we are thinking of you during this difficult time.

Don and Ann Hare, le 1 février 2019

Gary and Michelle Gifford and family

Gary my deepest condolences to you and Michelle on the passing of your mom. I remember meeting her and your dad at their place years ago in Richmond. Both your parents were so friendly and jolly. She had a long and blessed life. Sincerely, Robert Watson

Robert S. Watson, le 1 février 2019

Ray Gifford

I am sorry for your loss. My thoughts is with you and your family at this time of sorrow. I have a lot of good memories with Rachel. Hugs

Debra Lockwood, le 2 février 2019

Ray Gifford

So sorry for your loss. We used to live on the same street and you two always waved when you went by.

Jean Storry, le 2 février 2019

Linda and family

Please accept our deepest sympathies. Although your mother lived a very full life it is always difficult to say goodbye. Take time to remember and cherish all the goodness she has brought to your life. Hugs.

Elaine & Ted Burbidge, le 2 février 2019


Please accept my condolences on the passing of your Mother.

Brenda Philbrick-Horan, le 2 février 2019

Linda and Family

We offer our deepest sympathies for the loss of your Mom.

Cher and Dan, le 2 février 2019

Gary and Linda

So sorry for your loss. Whenever I would visit Auntie Toun with my Mom and my two daughters, it seemed we always ended up visiting your parents.
Rachel and Ray were special people and I only wish there were more like them in this world.

Sincere sympathies to you both

Annabelle MastineA

Annabelle Mastine, le 2 février 2019

The Gifford Family

It is with profound sadness that I received the news of Rachel's passing. I wish I could be with you to share in the celebration of her life with you. The weather an distance prevents me from joining you. My sympathy and prayers are with you. I know that life has been a struggle for her the last several years but she is finally at peace. Hal is to convey my condolences in person. I plan to make a donation in memory of Rachel the next time I am in Richmond.

Lester Wayne Mellish, le 2 février 2019

Ray, Linda, and Gary

My deepest sympathy for your loss. What wonderful memories I have of Rachel. She was my cousin but often my guardian because of our age difference. She will be fondly remembered. Unfortunately I cannot attend the funeral since I am in the Caribbean.

Louise Perron, le 3 février 2019

Ray Gifford and family

So sorry for your loss. you. Our sympathies and prayers are with you. You mom and dad are such sweethearts.
Brenda and Rejean Benoit

Brenda Benoit, le 3 février 2019

Raymond Gifford, Linda, Gary and your families

May God comfort you in this day of your loss of a dear wife, mother, grandmother, great-grandmother. May He fill you all with peace and His hope that sustains one to keep on going on, knowing that one day you will be reunited. I will remember her always xxx

Johanne Fortier, le 3 février 2019

Linda waterman

Although we did not know Linda's Mom, she obviously lived a long and loved life for her children and grandchildren.
May she rest in Peace.

Betty & Jack Morris

Betty & Jack Morris, le 3 février 2019

Raymond Gifford and family

My sympathy for your loss,
Rachel and Ray Gifford were so very kind to me as a teenager visiting with Linda and Gary. They where a great example of honest, hard working, loving people.
I remember them with nothing but kindness, affectionate, smilling, making you laugh.
They looked so very happy married, so very special.
Love both if them for the chilhood memories they gave us.
Thanks you and GOD bless you Rachel, i know you are in a better place.

Love Carole Fortier Decouto

Carole Fortier Decouto, le 3 février 2019

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