French, Robert George - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

French, Robert George

FRENCH, Robert George

1990 - 2022

Robert passed away accidentally on October 26, 2022 at the age of 32.

He leaves to mourn his three daughters Rose, Renesmay and Mikki.

He was predeceased by his father Jeffrey French, but leaves his mother Rosemary Cote (Michel), his sister Catherine (Remi) and their children Lily, Zoey, Mallory, Amelia and Conrad; his brother Christopher (Bianka) and their children Thomas, Travis, Mayson, Summer and Lexie. Also in mourning are his grandparents Sheila Lloyd and Robert Cote, the late Clinton French (the late Marjorie Berwick and the late Jean Picken), as well as aunts, uncles and many friends.

A small service will be held on November 5 at the Eaton Cemetery on Route 210, at 11 am.

22 messages reçus

Family of Robbie

Sending my deepest condolences and prayers , such a young life gone.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Heather Freer , le 1 novembre 2022

Rosemary and family

So sorry to hear about your lost our sincere sympathies XOXO

Lyne delage , le 1 novembre 2022

Rosemary and family

My deepest sympathy. May the happy memories put a plaster on your heart with time. Hugs.

Heather Dubeau, le 1 novembre 2022

the whole family

so so sorry to hear this

Rita and Mary Lebourveau, le 1 novembre 2022

To the family

Our sincerest sympathies

Mike and Marilyne Bélanger , le 1 novembre 2022

Rosemary and all the family

Our deepest sympathy.

Judy & Ernie Dubeau, le 1 novembre 2022

Rosemary, Catherine, Christopher and Families.

The loss of a family member at so young an age is a cross that is difficult to bear. A son, a brother, a father, a husband and in our case, a nephew, who was cherished by all, is difficult to overcome. We can't imagine the grief that you are all experiencing. At this time of sorrow, all we can offer is our deepest condolences and pray that you can find the strength to carry on. Remember the good times.

Uncle Joe and Aunt Linda

Joe Oliveras, le 1 novembre 2022

Rosemary and Michel and Family

My deepest sympathies to you and the family

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Patricia & Craig , le 1 novembre 2022

Rosemary and family

My deepest condolences to all

Tanya Walker , le 1 novembre 2022

To the whole family

My deepest heart felt sympathies to you all. Know that your are in my thoughts and prayers. He will be missed.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Tina jenkin, le 1 novembre 2022

The family

So very sorry for your loss!

Sharon mackenzie, le 2 novembre 2022

Rosemary and family

My deepest sympathies.

Heather Matheson, le 2 novembre 2022

Rosemary et Michel

Je vous prie d’agréer l’expression de notre plus profonde sympathie.

Paul-Martin Goulet et Diane Paradis, le 2 novembre 2022

Rosemary et Michel et familles

My deepest sympathies. Sending prayers and hugs to you all !!

Evelyn loiselle, le 2 novembre 2022

Rosemary and family

My deepest condolences to you and your family.

Brigitte Willard , le 2 novembre 2022


Hugs to the entire family. You are in my thoughts xx

Chelsea , le 2 novembre 2022

to the family

I am so saddened by the news of Robbie passing. Please accept my sincere condolences.

Judy Palmer, le 2 novembre 2022

Rosemary and Family

My condolences to you and your family.

Julie Thomas, le 2 novembre 2022


Our deepest sympathy
Sylvie G. & Jerry Charron

Jerry Charron, le 3 novembre 2022

Rosemary et Michel

Mes sympathies les plus sincères à tous les deux ! Gros câlin de réconfort ! xXx

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
De Alain et Marcelle !, le 4 novembre 2022

Rosemary, Katie, Chris, Michel

Our sympathies to you all.
Big hugs, from the redden family.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Cindy, Richard, Richard Jr, le 4 novembre 2022

Rosemary et Michel

Nos sincères condoléances, que de tristesse, soyez forts, bisou XXX

Paul et Paulette Côté, le 8 novembre 2022

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