Bentzen, Rolf - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bentzen, Rolf


1920 - 2024

Passed away peacefully, in his 105th year at the Wales Home, on September 7, 2024.


Beloved husband of the late Phyllis (Robertson) 1981. Loving father of Debra Bentzen, Carolyn Bentzen and Janet Bentzen ( Bob Philips) Loving grandfather of Nicole Longstaff (Rupert) and David Longstaff (Ayano), Shane Sparkes ( Brittany), Bobby Phillips (Amanda) and Becky Phillips. Proud great- grandfather of Sophia and Kane, Zoey, Kia and Jack, James and Archer.


Rolf was born in Notodden, Norway to Gerda and Bent Bentzen. He spent his young years in Norway and then joined a merchant ship to train as a machinist. He landed in Seattle and made his way across the USA/Canada border and ended up on Vancouver Island doing jobs as a logger and fish canner at 19. When Norway was occupied by Germany Rolf had no way of returning home so he decided to join the Canadian army and spent 5 years overseas in Britain, France (D-day landing at Juno Beach), Netherlands and Germany. He was presented with the National Order of the Legion of Honour from France.  When the war was over he returned to Norway, but made his way back to Canada to marry a young lady he met 6 years earlier. Rolf and Phyllis were married September 19, 1946.  After 2 years of living and working in Vancouver Rolf and Phyllis were missing eastern Canada.  They settled in Toronto and Rolf worked as a foreman for Ontario Hydro until his retirement in 1975. Rolf and Phyllis decided to relocate to the Eastern Townships where they had bought a farm property in Sandhill a few years earlier. Renovations continued and adding a few animals it began to look like a real farm Pine Tree Lane. He was involved in many activities in the Lennoxville area including Square dancing with the Tartan Twillers, the Cookshire Royal Canadian Legion Branch# 2 and was a Grandmaster of the Masonic Friendship Lodge No.66. After Phyllis’s death in 1981 Rolf settled in Ottawa. He was an active member of the Good Companion, Ducks Unlimited and gave his time at the Perley Rideau Hospital.  He took up carving and focused on ducks and birds and won several ribbons in various categories but was happy to try other things as well. He was truly a gifted woodcarver. He moved from Ottawa to Lennoxville to the St Francis Manor in 2016. Rolf was an active member of the North Hatley Royal Canadian Legion Branch #242 as well as the A.N.A.F Unit # 318 (The Hut). He enjoyed participating in the annual Remembrance Day Services.  Years pass and impairments increased so Rolf spent is final time at the Wales Home.


He was truly remarkable and everyone that knows him will remark, like the Frank Sinatra Song ... .I DID IT MY WAY….until the very end.


Visitation with the family will be Wednesday September 11, 2024 at the Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College St. Sherbrooke (Lennoxville) from 1:30 to 3:30 p.m. followed by the funeral service at 3:30 p.m.. A gathering at the North Hatley Legion will follow. A burial will be held Thursday September 12, 2024 at 10:30 a.m. at the Cookshire  Protestant Cemetery.


In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the North Hatley Legion or A.N.A.F (The Hut).

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13 messages reçus


Our thought our with you through this time of loss.

Mike and Dawn, le 9 septembre 2024

Thw three daughters and the rest of the family.


I am sorry to hear about your father's passing. I only knew him for a few months, but I appreciated very much our interesting conversations. Thinking of you,

Sigrid Simonen, le 9 septembre 2024

Carolyn , Shane & family

So very sorry for your loss . He certainly lived a long & healthy life . Carolyn , you did so much for your Dad . It’s something to be so proud of , you’ll always remember doing all you could . RIP Rolf

Tim Murray, le 9 septembre 2024

Carolyn and family

My sincere sympathies to all of your family. You were lucky to have been able to have him by your side for so many years, not many people have that opportunity.
It was an honor to have Mr Bentzen as a client, memories that will stay with me.

Marilyne Bélanger, le 10 septembre 2024

The Survivors

I don’t know him well but I meet him when I was living at LENNOXVILLE

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Marc, le 10 septembre 2024

Janet and Bob

Our condolences to you and family.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
David and Sheri , le 10 septembre 2024


With sympathies..... I consider Rolf a dear friend, now and forever more. I valued our great telephone conversations... discussions about human existence, generational differences, life and living, honour and integrity, as well as respect and independent decision making. He was quite wise and I learned alot from him. He will be missed, remembered and honoured. Peace...

Pamela Stewart-Sainsbury, le 10 septembre 2024

BENTZEN family

I extend to his family, my sincerest condolences.

Raymond Campagna, (N-Haley Legion), le 10 septembre 2024

My dear Cally;

I am so sorry to say I just heard of your dad's passing. My heart is with you at this time. I realize the funeral was held today and apologize that I didn't know before. Please take care and call if you need to talk. 819 571 6907

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Lisette Gallibois, le 11 septembre 2024

the family

I wish to extend my condolences to you.
He was a great man with multiple talents and great strength. I miss our afternoon conversations! I'm relief to know he passed peacefully as he wished and how he deserved.

Dominique Nadeau, le 12 septembre 2024

Bentzen family

Deb, Cally, and Janet,
You have lost your Mom and now your Dad. But you have each other - and me. I'll always
be there for you.
Love and hugs,
Aunt Marilyn

Marilyn Bamber, le 12 septembre 2024

Cally, Janet and Deb

Our sincere sympathies to you and your families during this difficult time.
Remember the good times together.
I got to visit him in Ottawa and saw the ducks he carved, which he was so proud to show us..
quite the talent. May he rest in peace.
Donna and Gerry

Donna Sparkes, le 12 septembre 2024


My sincere sympathies to your family.
I met Mr. Bentzen, on his travels between Lennoxville and North Hatley, as a driver.
I had some wonderful discussions with him and will keep a deep memory of this great man and his venerable age.
Straight and proud as an oak, the image I keep of Mr. Bentzen.

Vincent Dionne et Louise Pellerin North Hatley, le 27 septembre 2024

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