Booth, Ronald Alexander - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Booth, Ronald Alexander

BOOTH, Ronald Alexander

1941 - 2018

À Sherbrooke, le 17 juillet 2018, à l’âge de 77 ans, est décédé monsieur Ronald Alexander Booth. Né à Sherbrooke le 30 avril 1941, il commença à voyager tôt et abondamment. Par bateau, à vélo, voiture ou à pied, il a parcouru le monde et partagea ses aventures avec le talent d’un conteur naturel. Il fut une source d’inspiration pour ses étudiants, encourageant curiosité, créativité et le simple plaisir de réfléchir.
Il laisse dans le deuil sa sœur Ellen Booth; sa nièce et sa famille : Laura Russel (Andrew Cull) et leurs 3 filles Georgia, Josie et Bea; son neveu Alec Frith, son beau neveu Josiah Frith, sa cousine Mona Longpre et le reste de la famille à Magog.

La famille vous accueillera à la Résidence funéraire Windsor (310, rue St-Georges, Windsor, Qc), le 24 juillet 2018 de 13 h à 15 h.

12 messages reçus

Ellen, Laura, Alec, and Josiah and their families.

It was always a celebration at the Booth home when Sandy returned from one of his many adventures. Sandy is no longer where he was but he will always be where you are.

Freda Beekers & Bill Stewart, le 22 juillet 2018

Ellen Booth

My sincere condolences to you on your loss.

Linda Sundborg, le 22 juillet 2018

Ellen Booth

Ellen, I wish I had met him. Holding you in my heart and mind.
XO, Del

Del, le 22 juillet 2018

Ellen Booth

Dear Ellen,
I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even think about life without Dean.Who knew that we would get to this ‘age and stage’. I still think of our St. Francis days and treasure them, even if our lives have taken us down a path that didn’t have us connecting ‘in person’. I feel strongly about connecting ‘in spirit’. I have a memory that I want to share appearing at my front door, on your lunch hour, on September 22,1964. Dad had died sudddenly the night before, and Mum, Dean & I were obviously, not at school. Word was out about our loss. And there you were...a prescence.....standing beside Mum, Dean & me.....loving and supporting us in our grief. God knows how you persuaded whomever to let you come to us, or maybe you just snuck out......but God love you..... there you were.....
I am so happy you are back Canada.....I look forward to making a date to reconnect.
Here is my contact info...FB aside...
Cell#: 416-333-9907
Really would love to have you knock on my door or vice versa......Halifax is my other home

Audrey Apps, le 22 juillet 2018

Ellen Booth

Dear Ellen,
I am so sorry for your loss. I can’t even think about life without Dean.Who knew that we would get to this ‘age and stage’. I still think of our St. Francis days and treasure them, even if our lives have taken us down a path that didn’t have us connecting ‘in person’. I feel strongly about connecting ‘in spirit’. I have a memory that I want to share appearing at my front door, on your lunch hour, on September 22,1964. Dad had died sudddenly the night before, and Mum, Dean & I were obviously, not at school. Word was out about our loss. And there you were...a prescence.....standing beside Mum, Dean & me.....loving and supporting us in our grief. God knows how you persuaded whomever to let you come to us, or maybe you just snuck out......but God love you..... there you were.....
I am so happy you are back Canada.....I look forward to making a date to reconnect.
Here is my contact info...FB aside...
Cell#: 416-333-9907
Really would love to have you knock on my door or vice versa......Halifax is my other home

Audrey Apps, le 22 juillet 2018

Ellen Booth and Family

My sincere sympathies to the family. I knew Sandy from years ago as he was my children's teacher. It was a pleasure to meet you as well Ellen. Please know that my thoughts and prayers are with you.

Sandra Borden, le 22 juillet 2018

Ellen and your dear families

I am saddened to read of Ron's "sailing". Ron was our Head Teacher at A.D.S. in Danville for a few years and I was the school secretary. He had a great laugh and his stories, especially those of his sailing adventures, were so very interesting if not scary by times. The students were indeed fortunate to have him as their teacher and I enjoyed having him as my "boss". Our youngest son had Ron as a supply teacher at R.R.H.S. and he thought they were going to have fun that day until they saw Ron's muscles and I got the impression they all toed the line. I haven't had the occasion to talk with Ron for many years but I have thought of him often and our days of working together. May you find comfort in knowing he enjoyed his many adventures and that he let us be a part of it through his many stories.
With sincere sympathy,
Nancy Marston

Nancy Marston, le 22 juillet 2018

Ellen Booth

Hello, Ellen. I was deeply saddened to hear of Ron’s passing. Knew him while at Bishops from 1970 to 76 and ensuing years. Spent many hours chatting, exchanging stories and recounting adventures. You put together a really nice obituary. His was a life well lived. A real friend. Please accept my heartfelt condolences.

Marc Sheeran, le 23 juillet 2018

The Booth Family

I wanted to let you know that Ron was a friend and colleague during our years in Yellow House at Alexander Galt School. We used to do intellectual puzzles in our spare time and I remember his planning for a sailing adventure. I will cherish those good old days.

With sympathy,

Leslie Nutbrown
Huntingville, QC

Les Nutbrown, le 23 juillet 2018

ellen booth


Thanks, Sandy, for introducing us back in 1976. The rest is history and speaks for itself.

Thanks for being a compatible co-owner of a sailboat on Lake Memphremagog 40 years ago.

Thanks for your visits and for sharing your stories of adventures with our children who loved them and which inspired them.

In a world of artificial values, thanks for your refreshing common sense.

And thanks for the pleasure and privilege of being your friend.

Bruce and Francine, le 24 juillet 2018

ellen booth


Thanks, Sandy, for introducing us back in 1976. The rest is history and speaks for itself.

Thanks for being a compatible co-owner of a sailboat on Lake Memphremagog 40 years ago.

Thanks for your visits and for sharing your stories of adventures with our children who loved them and which inspired them.

In a world of artificial values, thanks for your refreshing common sense.

And thanks for the pleasure and privilege of being your friend.

Bruce and Francine, le 24 juillet 2018

la famille de Mr. Booth

Il fut une personne qui a marqué la vie de ma fille Jessica Duval Holliday. Sa façon d'enseigner était des plus remarquable. Grace a lui ma fille est enseignante et chaque jour elle tante de marquer la vie de ses élèves comme Mr.Booth a fait.

mes plus sincères sympathie

Line Duval

Line Duval, le 24 juillet 2018

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