7 messages reçus
Steve and Debbie
I am very sorry to read about the death of your mother Ruth last Friday.
She was a very welcoming and happy person. I always thought she was more of a ring master with all the scouting, church and shoe activity in the house.
I will remember her on all Soul's Day.
I will remember her in and the family in my prayers.
From My Spot in the Vine yard,
Blair Ross
Rev. Blair Ross, le 9 septembre 2020
The Gilliam Family.
Sincere sympathy to all the Gilliam Family in the loss of the wife of the late Russell Gilliam, a Mother and grandmother. I met Ruth at my sister's visitation nine years ago. I knew Russell for many years as a child and teenager back home in Lennoxville. May Ruth RIP and be with her beloved Russell. May the happy memories you all have help to sustain you during this difficult time. Sincerely, Alice (Bassett) Johnston of Newmarket, Ontario.
Alice (Bassett) Johnston, le 9 septembre 2020
The Gilliam Family
So sorry to hear. Our thoughts and prayers are with you.
David & Helga Price, le 11 septembre 2020
Ruth's family
Please accept my condolences on the loss of your Mom.Love Gwendolyn Conner Mcknight
Gwendolyn Conner McKnight, le 11 septembre 2020
Richard and Shirley Gillam
Ruth’s parents were my neighbours many years ago.
My sincere sympathy to the Hall and Gillam families.
Janet Little McLellan
North Hatley
Janet McLellan, le 12 septembre 2020
La famille
Je suis sincèrement désolée pour cette grande perte que vous vivez présentement. La mort est notre pire ennemi. Heureusement, notre grand créateur a un bel espoir pour l'avenir dans sa parole la bible. On lit en Révélation ou Apocalypse 21 : 4 "Et il essuiera toute larme de leurs yeux et la mort ne sera plus ; ni deuil, ni cri, ni douleur ne seront plus. Les choses anciennes ont disparu ".
Bon courage
Guilene , le 17 septembre 2020
Steve, Debbie, Jeff and families
I learned of your mom’s death today. I always enjoyed visiting with your parents. Thinking of all of you.
Kris Knutson, le 11 novembre 2020