Henderson Caron, Sara - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Henderson Caron, Sara


1974 - 2022

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous vous annonçons que Sara nous a quitté subitement, ce 18 mars 2022. Elle avait 47 ans.

Elle était un mère aimante pour Emma et Fred, une épouse dévouée pour Pierre et la fille bien-aimée de Patricia Everett et feu Raymond Henderson.

Elle laisse dans le deuil, son frère et ses sœurs : Emily (Jean-Philippe), Corey (Lisa Brown), Laurie (Ralph Ward) et Cheryl (John Coles); ses beaux-parents : Gisèle Dubé et Denis Caron; ses beaux-frères et belles-sœurs : Julie (Robin), Mario (Kelly) et Chantal (Daniel). Elle était la tante de plusieurs neveux et nièces qu’elle adorait et elle laisse également plusieurs oncles, tantes, cousins, cousines, nombreux autres parents et amis à qui elle manquera profondément. Elle était aussi la maman de Whiskey.

La famille remercie chaleureusement tous et chacun qui par leur présence, leurs mots réconfortants, leurs câlins et leur nourriture et qui font la différence dans ce moment particulièrement difficile pour nous. Soyez-en remerciés, on apprécie beaucoup. Pierre, Emma, Fred, Pat et la famille.

Une cérémonie en sa mémoire au lieu ultérieurement.

7 messages reçus

The whole family

Sending love to all of you at this painful time.
Sara was such a great friend. It didn't matter where we ran into each other, it could be the grocery store or at an event, we always laughed our heads off and loved the heck out of each other. She had the best laugh ever - I can hear her voice so clearly. We met in kindergarten, back together in grade six when St. Michaels closed, we went on class trips, through all kinds of silliness in school, sleepovers and fun, I will never, ever forget her. To Fred and Emma - watching your mother become a mother was awesome - you were the apples of her eye. Pierre, witnessing the two of you becoming a couple so long ago - such a great match. Patricia, thank you for raising someone who was such a natural, loving friend. Em, she couldn't have loved you more, that special little sister. Thinking of all of you. Will miss you always, Sara.

Sheila Quinn, le 26 mars 2022

The Henderson Family

Please accept our condolences on this terrible occurrence. Sarah was a classmate of our daughter and and a very lovely student. We pray that God will comfort you at this time.

Shirley and John Mulholland, le 26 mars 2022

Patricia Everett

Pat there are no words to express the loss of Sara.
She is RIP. Can't always understand why she went so young. She has left behind lots of memories. And her beautiful smile. She will always be there Pat to hold you tight

Donna Jondro, le 28 mars 2022

Pierre et Family

Derrill & I would like to extend our deepest condolences to all her family & friends ,so sorry for your lost .....

Suzy & Derrill Smith, le 28 mars 2022

The family

My deepest sympathies to everyone at this time. Sara was such a beautiful and strong person. Her love of family and her laugher was infectious. She will be greatly missed. Keeping you all in my prayers.

Stacey Lancaster, le 28 mars 2022

Patricia Everett

So sorry to hear of the sudden passing of your daughter Pat, way too young. Hold your memories close as you try to navigate such a sad and difficult time. Sending you and all of your families our love and sympathies.

Nancy Loomis Smith, le 2 avril 2022

The family

My deepest sympathies to all her family. I met Sara in high school and her smile and personality always brightened our days and who knew that years later our children would be in the same grades in high school. Hold her memories close to your heart she will watch over you all.

Tanya Lodge, le 5 avril 2022

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