Bowen, Sheila - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Bowen, Sheila

BOWEN, Sheila

1954 - 2024

Sheila passed away surrounded by family and friends, united through their shared experiences of her loving kindness, compassion and fun-loving ways. She was a teacher and community builder, whose generosity knew no bounds. 

Sheila’s adventurous spirit led her on many wilderness camping and kayaking escapades, had her jumping out of airplanes and stomping her feet by way of Appalachian clogging. She had a passion for riding horses and bushcraft and was a prolific tinkerer who created many beautiful/practical objects. Her values and beliefs were deeply rooted in Indigenous ways of knowing, as many of her creative projects reflect. 

She is predeceased by her parents Tom and Myrtle and leaves behind the ever-adoring: Sharleen (Fred), Sue (Celes) and family Myia (Angie, Ishaan), Naryn (Ellen, Maple, Rumi): Wendy (Scott) and family Jeffrey, Justin, Jonathan; Betty, Mel (Cohen, Leo, Olive), Kim, (Charlotte, Sasha); her treasured furry companion Bear, and countless beloveds who hold her close in their hearts. 

Sheila is now forever free to hike her mountains and paddle her way through peaceful waters. 

Visitation will take place at Cass Funeral Homes, 295 Principale S., Richmond on Saturday, December 14 from 2 p.m. to 4 p.m. and 7 p.m. to 9 p.m.  

Celebration of life will follow later in 2025. 

In lieu of flowers, donations to: 

Mental Health Estrie

St. Francis Student Snack and Breakfast Program by calling the school at 819-826-3737


17 messages reçus

Sheila's family and friends

Mes sympathies pour Sheila, qui a été une collègue exemplaire..

Julie Turcotte, le 10 décembre 2024

Sharlene and the rest of the family

My deepest sympathy.

Judy Langevin Dubeau and Ernie Dubeau, le 10 décembre 2024

Sheila's family and friends

Please accept my deepest condolences. Sheila was a good friend of my Mom Lorraine Moore and she spent a lot of time in our home when I was a teenager in the late 1970s. I have many fond memories of her from back then and have often thought of her over the years. She was a special woman, rest in peace Sheila.

Linda Harrison , le 10 décembre 2024

Family & Friends

My condolences to all her family & friends. I was in St. Francis w hen Miss Bowen started there. She was always so nice and was a fantastic gym teacher. Miss Bowen will be greatly missed ️ May she rest in peace.️️️

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Susan Brock- Robinson, le 11 décembre 2024

Family and friends

My sympathies go out to all of you

Ann Redburn , le 11 décembre 2024

Family and Friends

Sympathies to all who knew and loved her. Ms. Bowen was such a warm, caring and nurturing elementary Phys. Ed. teacher who was the first person to encourage me to excel in sports. Everyone loved her and appreciated her calm demeanour, wonderful sense of humour and dignified professionalism. She will never be forgotten.

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Tracey Hill, le 11 décembre 2024

The family

My sincere sympathy to all the family members. I have fond memories of Sheila from the Bowen family reunions.

Muriel Martin, le 11 décembre 2024

Family of sheila

Our deepest sympathies to you all. Michel and debra masse

Debra chatfield , le 11 décembre 2024

Family and friends

I am a former student from St-Francis (early to mid-1980's). As close to Christmas as we are, I would like to send my heartfelt condolences to all those who feel the loss of our memorable Sheila. It is difficult to grieve during a time of celebration and gathering with friends and family. That said, please keep in mind that though Sheila is gone, she is not forgotten.

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
John Bisson, le 11 décembre 2024

Sheila Bowen's Family

It's a very big loss; she was a valued, highly skilled, passionate and compassionate educator. Her legacy will be the love of physical exercise in the outdoors and the fun one gets from being alive and just being active. She was an outstanding colleague and she is remembered by all who were lucky enough to know her.
Tom Matthews

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Tom and Barbara Matthews, le 12 décembre 2024

The famille

Je vais toujours me rapeller à quelle point elle nous suportai et nous aidai et elle a été une grande personne pour moi le long mon parcours scolaire

Que mon soutien
réchauffe votre coeur
Daphney , le 12 décembre 2024

Sue and family

It was very sad to hear of Sheila's passing though my RRHS connection. I was happy to read, however, that she maintained her sense of fun and commitment to physical pursuits as she did when I knew her/you in Tibbits Hall at UNB...fond memories indeed.
Kindly accept my deepest sympathies as I keep you and yours in my thoughts and prayers.

Chris (Delaney) Coldwell, le 13 décembre 2024

Sheila's family

Sheila taught all of our children and they adored her and her music. She was so uplifting. She will be missed.

Daphne Dykeman, le 13 décembre 2024

Family and Friends

Our deepest sympathies. Sheila (Miss Bowen) was an amazing teacher and instilled her love of physical activity in so many of us at St. Francis. A lasting impact and legacy to be proud of. Gym class was always a favourite, as was Miss Bowen. She remains a dear friend to many and will be greatly missed.

Robin Chabot , le 14 décembre 2024

Sheila Bowen

With our deepest sympathies we hope that Sheila finds peace and love.

Shirley and John Mulholland, le 14 décembre 2024

Family and Friends

I enjoyed Miss Bowen's gym class , and remember her wonderful grin.She laughed at my high jump technique . May she rest in peace.
My deepest heartfelt condolences to her family and friends.She left her mark on many of her students:)

James Duffy, le 17 décembre 2024

Friends and family

Thank-you, Sheila, for being you. Thought of you today… could not have been more surprised and so, so saddened to learn of your passing. I wish you well and much love.

Nancy Leclerc, le 18 décembre 2024

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