Gelinas, Suzanne - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Gelinas, Suzanne

GELINAS, Suzanne

1945 - 2022

Suzanne Gelinas of Lennoxville Quebec passed away peacefully at CHSLD Youville on October 3, 2022, surrounded by her family and friends.

She was predeceased by her parents Gratia and Eddie Gelinas of North Hatley, Quebec.

She will be missed by siblings Bobby Gelinas (Georgette Betit), Denis Gelinas, Jacques Gelinas, Real Gelinas, Carole Gelinas (Claude Cyr), Michelle Crocker, Pierre Gelinas, Pierrette Gelinas (Bobby Betit), late Roger Gelinas, Ginette Gelinas (Rosaire Bolduc) and Diane Gelinas (Randy Padner).

Suzanne was the mother of Donna Harden (late Eric Mackeage), Susan Harden (Brian Arbery) and Kathy Harden.

She was the grandmother of Kyle Harden, Amy Harden (Steve Matthews), Colin Seaward, Sarah Mackeage (James Graham), Ryan Mackeage, Cassandra Harden (Andy Rosiak) and Derek Harden.

Suzanne was the great-grandmother of Nora and Charlotte Graham.

The family wishes to thank the Wales Home and Youville for their kindness and the amazing care they provided.

There will be a visitation on Thursday, October 13, 2022, at Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College, Sherbrooke, from 9:00-12:00 am. The funeral service will take place at 1:30 pm at Cass, with the interment immediately following at Malvern Cemetery.

In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Wales Home or the Alzheimer’s Association

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3 messages reçus

All the family

My deepest sympathy to all the family.

Judy (Langevin) Dubeau & Ernie Dubeau, le 7 octobre 2022

Toute la famille de Suzanne

Jean-Claude et moi voulons vous souhaiter nos plus sincères condoléances! Suzanne était une personne spéciale pour nous et surtout, pour ma sœur Madeleine. Nous pensons et prions pour vous pour adoucir votre peine.

Francine Lafleur et Jean-Claude Laroche , le 7 octobre 2022

The Family

Our deepest sympathy to the family, Our thoughts are with you .

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, le 13 octobre 2022

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