Mosher, Wallace "Joe" Gordon - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Mosher, Wallace "Joe" Gordon

MOSHER, Wallace "Joe" Gordon

1935 - 2021

C’est avec une grande tristesse que nous annonçons le décès de Wallace « Joe » Mosher, à l'hôpital de Magog, le 23 mars 2021, à l’âge de 85 ans. Époux bien-aimé de feu Fredericka Laraway et fils de feu Gordon Mosher et de feu Margaret Breaky.

M. Mosher laisse dans le deuil ses enfants Debra (Maurice Roy) et Donna (Keith Trafford) ainsi que ses petits-enfants: Cynthia, Lindsey, Sophie (Adley), Kirsten, Daniel et William. Il était le frère de feu Beryl (feu Raymond Imbeault), Breaky (Gail Elizabeth « Betty » Chamberlain) et Beverly (feu Glen Hale). Il laisse également de nombreux autres parents et amis.

Pendant la plus grande partie de sa vie, il a vécu à Boynton tout en prenant bien soin de sa ferme.

La famille tient à remercier les CLSC locaux pour leur incroyable coordination et soutien, le personnel du Manoir Stanstead, du CHUS Fleurimont et de l’hôpital de Magog pour leurs excellents soins. Une reconnaissance particulière va au Dr Jean-Luc Castilloux.

En hommage à la mémoire de Joe, des dons au Manoir Stanstead, 496, Dufferin, Stanstead QC, J0B 1E0, ou à la Fondation de l'Hôpital Memphrémagog, 50 rue St-Patrice Est, Magog, QC, J1X 3X3, seraient appréciés par la famille.

14 messages reçus

The Mosher Family

My thoughts are with .you .He was like a Brother to me ,and will be missed. R I P ,JOE ,HUGS TO ALL

MARY LOU GUSTIN, le 24 mars 2021

The Mosher Family

My thoughts are with .you .He was like a Brother to me ,and will be missed. R I P ,JOE ,HUGS TO ALL
Mary Lou Gustin and his lifelong buddy Wynn Dustin

MARY LOU GUSTIN, le 24 mars 2021

The Mosher Family

Our deepest sympathy
Gérard et Lisette

Lisette Carbonneau, le 24 mars 2021

Joes Family

Our deepest sympathy to all the family. We always enjoyed visiting with Joe when ever our paths would cross. He will be fondly remembered by all who were lucky enough to know him.

Larry and Lorrayne (Roger) Markwell, le 24 mars 2021

The Mosher Family

Dear Donna and your entire family. Im so very sorry to hear of the loss of your Dad. My deepest condolences to all of you. I will keep you all in my prayers.

Karen Tayler, le 25 mars 2021

The Family

My deepest sympathies to the family.

Lee Dezan, le 25 mars 2021

The Mosher Family

Our deepest sympathies to all of the family. Used to enjoy our visits at all of the different farm auctions. He will be missed.

The Sparkes Family, le 25 mars 2021

Debbie and Family

Both Robin G and I send our condolences to you and your family Deb. So hard to lose a parent. God Bless and take care!

Robin D Bedard, le 25 mars 2021

The Mosher Family

Pour deepest sympathy

Yvan Morin & Gisèle Madore

Yvan Morin et Gisèle Madore, le 25 mars 2021

Debbie and family

Dear Debbie,
Your and your family are the fine product of a loving father. My sincere sympathy. Your memories will hold you in good stead. With lots of hugs and love, Helena

Helena, le 25 mars 2021

The Mosher Family

Our thoughts and prayers are with you. He was a great man and his memory will remain in our hearts.

With love from nephew Tim (Timmy) Laraway.

Tim Laraway, le 25 mars 2021

Debbie and Family

My sincere sympathy to you and your whole family in the loss of your dad. No matter how old a parent may be, they leave a big hole in our hearts when they leave this world. Enjoy all the those special memories of times spent together with your loved one.

Sheila Andrews, le 26 mars 2021

The Mosher family

Our deepest sympathy to all the family. I will miss the long discussion we had sitting at the restaurant Chez Maurice.

Réal Beloin and family

Real Beloin , le 28 mars 2021

Debbie, Donna and their families

My sympathy to all of you in your loss. I had known Wallace for a number of years and
more especially at the 50 plus club.

Muriel Martin, le 31 mars 2021

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