Langevin, William - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Langevin, William


1942 - 2020

C’est à regret que nous annonçons le décès de M. William Langevin au CSSS Memphrémagog, le 9 mars 2020, a l’âge de 77 ans, demeurant à Stanstead. Il était l’époux de feu Mary Monfette et le fils de feu Geogianna Gagné et de feu Alfred Langevin.

Il laisse dans le deuil ses enfants : : John (Nicole Smith), William Jr, Ronald (Lesley Woodard) et Pauline; ses petits-enfants: Cheyenne, Marie-Danielle, Jonathan, Alysha, Nicholas, Sébastien, Cynthia, Samantha, Phillip , Brodie, Brooke, Gage, Emma, Cloé, Brandon, Jaden et Xander; ses arrière-petits-enfants : Alexis, Ilyssa, Hannah, Reid, Mallory, Araya, Adeline, Amélia, Denika et Grace, ainsi que ses sœurs Mary Ellis et Bernadette Kelly. Il laisse également de nombreux neveux, nièces, cousins, cousines, autres parents et amis.

Dans le contexte actuel, la famille tiendra une cérémonie privée à une date ultérieure.

4 messages reçus

The Family of William Langevin

Our sympathies to all at the passing of your father, grandfather, and great grandfather. Our thoughts will be with you now and as the days pass.

Danny and Lynn Gustin and family, le 13 mars 2020

Billy, Johnny. Ronny, Pauline

I am so sorry for your very large loss, Lu was a wonderful man full of love for his family, I will miss him every day. I have wonderful memories and will keep them with me forever.

Nancy Lawson, le 13 mars 2020

Billy, Johnny, Ronny, Pauline and all the Family and Friends

I offert for all of you my Compassion and my Prayers. We lost someone précious and I miss him. He will be forever in my soul. I'm sad and I cry, but always remember laught and joy with ''Loulou'' and his friendly tenderness and care about all off you and me and my mother Thérèse. She said that she is sorry for all of you and will pray too. May God bless you all and give you peace and comfort your heart. Big hugs for all of you! From the bottom of my heart. Amen! Johanne ''Jojho'' XXXX

Johanne Grondin, le 15 mars 2020

The Family

We would like to extend our sympathy to the family. May he rest in peace.
Larry and Lorrayne Markwell.

Lorrayne and Larry Markwell - Stanstead, le 20 mars 2020

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