Middleton Wright, Winnifred - Avis de décès | Coopérative funéraire de l'Estrie

Middleton Wright, Winnifred


1932 - 2024

Winnifred Middleton Wright

1932 – 2024

Winnifred Wright passed away peacefully at the Wales’ Home in Richmond on July 1st, 2024. She was predeceased by her husband Fred, her son Rick and daughter Sheila Marianne.

She leaves to mourn her daughter Carolyn (Dallas); grandchildren Melanie and Sheila (Garth); great-grandchildren Kylie and Colby; her daughter-in-law Helen; grandchildren Ericka and Stephanie. She leaves brothers and sisters, many nieces, nephews and friends who will miss her.

Special thanks to the Wales Home, for all the loving care that Mom received while she was there.

There will be a visitation on August 10 at Christ Church, Stanstead from 1-2:30, with the service at the church at 2:30. There will be a light luncheon in the church hall before heading to the old North Cemetery in Hatley for the interment.

In lieu of flowers, please consider donating to an animal protection agency, or to the Old North Cemetery.

8 messages reçus

The family

Our deepest sympathy.

Judy Langevin Dubeau and Ernie Dubeau, le 4 juillet 2024

Dallas Carolyn and family

My condolences in your loss.

Barb ward and family, le 4 juillet 2024

Carolyn and Family

Our deepest sympathy for the loss of your mother.

Anne Marie and Paul , le 5 juillet 2024

Carolyn and the entire family

We extend our sympathies to you in the passing of Winnifred.
Remembering all the good times we had at the farm in past years.
Our prayers are with you at this time.
God bless you.

Bill and Sharon Middleton, le 6 juillet 2024

Caroline and family

You are in our thoughts and prayers.

Donald and Penny , le 6 juillet 2024

The Wright family

I met Winnie at one of the first picnics held at the Old North Cemetery in the early ‘90’s. I know that she loved this site. Her home being right beside the cemetery, she was the keeper…always notifying us if anything was amiss.
Winnie was a QWI member of the Hatley branch which later amalgamated with Stanstead North.
A year and a half ago at a WI meeting, a friend and former neighbour , Mildred (Scotty) Miller , also a member , commended Winnie for her lovely collection of poems.
My sincere sympathy to all.

Janet Little McLellan, le 6 juillet 2024

Carolyn and Family

My sincerest sympathies to all of You.

Karen Sheldon, le 8 juillet 2024

The family

My sincere sympathy to you for your loss. I have known Winnie for a long time. She used to stop in and visit with me at the thrift shop in Ayer's Cliff when she was out for her walk.

Muriel Martin, le 10 juillet 2024

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