Gifford, Alton Everett - Obituaries |

Gifford, Alton Everett

GIFFORD, Alton Everett

1927 - 2022

It is with great sadness that we announce the passing of our beloved father, Mr Alton Gifford, on March 2, 2022, husband of the late Marina Sells, son of the late Earl Thomas and late Hazel Smith, he was 94. Our brother Mr Donald Gifford passed away on February 28, 2022, at the age of 62. They were both from Kingsey Falls.

The family will receive condolences at Cass Funeral Home, 295, Principal South, Richmond on Wednesday, March 9 from 6 to 9 p.m. and Thursday, March 10, from 12 p.m followed by a ceremony at 2 p.m. at the funeral home.

They leave to mourn Patricia (Alain Lemieux), Peter (Josée Boisvert), Melissa (Roger Breault), Virginia (René Fréchette), Julia (Terry Patterson), Michael (Helen Bilodeau) and the grandchildren and great grandchildren. Alton also leaves his three sisters: Eva (late William Converse), Pauline “Polly” (late Arthur McClure), and Marion (late Bruce Mastine). He was also the brother to the late Ada, late David (late Ida Blake), late Doris (late Lorne Kydd), late Elwin (late Bessie St.James), late Helen, late Grace, late Raymond (late Rachel Perron) and late Methel (late Herbert Later). He was brother-in-law to the late Rev. Charles Hastings Sells, late Elsie (late Stuart Perkins), late Robert, late Gordon, late James (Irene Blake), late Annie (late Howard Frost) and late Doris (late Irman Atkinson).

They also leave many other relatives and friends.

The family would like to express their gratitude to the staff of La Résidence du Verger, of l’Hôtel-Dieu d’Arthabaska, the CLSC Suzor-Côté as well as the family doctor Dr Michel Daniels for their kindness and devotion.

Donations to the Canadian cancer society would be appreciated.

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6 messages received

Patricia and family

My dear friend Patricia I m with you to help in those sad moments my prayers for you and your family yolande

Yolande, March 5, 2022

The family

Tom and I offer our deepest condolences to the family. Thinking of you all in this difficult time.

Catherine Dougherty and Tom Lachapelle , March 5, 2022


Mes condoléances à Alain et toute la famille.

Daniel Bolduc, March 5, 2022

Patricia et Alain

Nos sympathies à vous deux ainsi qu’a toute votre famille .de Serge Beaudet et Manon .

Serge Beaudet, March 5, 2022

la famille et René fréchette

toutes mes sympathies pour le père et le fils, que dieu vous console dans ses bras d'amour.

René Caron, March 6, 2022

Famille Gifford

Mes sympathies les plus chaleureux a chacun de vous

Fredette Nathalie, March 7, 2022

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