Benoit, André - Obituaries |

Benoit, André


1950 - 2021

We are saddened to announce the passing of Mr. André Benoit, at the Memphrémagog Hospital Center, on December 11, 2021, at the age of 70, dear husband of Mrs. Maida Smith, son of the late Elie Benoit and of the late Noëlla Cormier, residing in Stanstead.

The family with gather with friends and family at the Cass Funeral Home, 545, Dufferin, Stanstead, QC, J0B 3E0, on Saturday, December 18, 2021 from 1 p.m. to 4 p.m. A farewell ceremony will follow.

Besides his wife, Mr. Benoit leaves to mourn his children: Johanne (André Veilleux), Bruno and Patrick; his grandchildren: Anne (Matt), Travis, Dray, Blaze, Nicolas and Alexie as well as his brothers and sisters: Claude (Louise), Jacques (Gisèle), Sylvie (Fernand) and Stéphane (Nathalie). He was the brother of the late Johanne and the late Michel. He also leaves behind his brothers-in-law: Maurice (Emmy), Robert and Jimmy (Laurie Marie) as well as several cousins, nephews, nieces, other relatives and friends.

The family would like to thank the palliative care staff at the Memphrémagog Hospital and the Memphrémagog CLSC for the excellent care provided to Mr. Benoit.

In lieu of flowers, donations to the Canadian Cancer Society, 5151, boul. de l'Assomption, Montreal, Quebec, H1T 4A9, would be appreciated by the family.

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30 messages received

La famille

Mes sympathies et bon courage a toute la famille de lise et luc xx

Lise poudrier, December 14, 2021

The family

Our sympathies to the family.

Brandy & Family, December 14, 2021

MAIDA les enfants freres et soeur

mes pensees son avec vous bon courage Andre repose en paixP

May my support
warm your heart
PIERRE STATTON, December 14, 2021

Maida, Jo, Pat & Bruno

I am so heartbroken for your loss. Andre was such a good man with a great sense of humor. He will be sadly missed and fondly remembered by many. I hope the love he had for all of you will bring you some comfort in the coming days. Xooxox

Stacey , December 14, 2021

Maida & family

So very sorry for your loss. Andre was a good man. Every day the girls and I enjoyed a little visit when he was crossing pedestrians/children, He always made time to cross me and my pups,pet the them and ask me..comment ca va fille? . Always did a great job making sure the children crossed safely as well. My heart is saddened by his passing. You are in my thoughts & prayers Maida & family

Jo, December 14, 2021

Johanne Benoît

Je vous offre a toi ,ta mère et toute la famille mes plus sincères condoléances pour le décès de votre père. Je suis avec vous de tout coeur. Prend soin de toi Johanne et ta mère.

Marie-Andrée, December 14, 2021

Maida, Bruno & Dray along with entire family

Jonathan and I along with our family send our deepest of sympathies and Love.

Rebecca charleau, December 14, 2021

Maida & Family

Our sympathies to Maida & the family, he will be sadly missed and remembered, I worked with Andre and he was always so happy and made everyone smile. He was a good man.
So sorry for your loss, my prayers and thoughts are with you.

Shannon Flanders Lyonnais, December 14, 2021


mes sincere sympathie a vous tous

mannon garand, December 14, 2021

Maida and the Family

My deepest sympathy to Maida, and the family. I carry you in my heart.

Carole Larose, December 14, 2021

Maida and family

May our God and his son Jesus bless you and your family in these sorrowful moments . You may be console near Him.

Raymond Cormier et Josée, December 14, 2021

Maida et Famille

Nos sincères sympathies à toute la famille. On a travaillé avec André
au magasin A. Fluet & Fils à Beebe pendant plusieurs années et on
garde des bons souvenirs d'André.
Gisèle Bergeron & Terry Smith

May my support
warm your heart
gisele bergeron, December 14, 2021

Conjointe et enfants d’André

Toutes mes sympathies pour le décès D’André,nos pensées son avec vous
C’était mon cousin
De Jacques Benoit de Québec

May my support
warm your heart
Jacques Benoit et Alain Gélinas de Québec , December 14, 2021

Sa conjointe et enfants

Toutes nos sympathies à la famille pour le décès d’André,nos pensées sont avec vous
De Charles Montigny et Lise Benoit,ainsi que Steve

Charles et Lise Montmigny et Steve, December 14, 2021


All my sympathy to you and your family. My prayers and thoughts go out to you.

Nicole , December 14, 2021

The Benoit Family.

Our sympathies to the Family,

Paul and Linda Durocher, December 15, 2021


So sorry for your lost my heart ❤ is with you

Sheryl, December 15, 2021

Maida and family

We are so heartbroken to hear of your loss. He will will be missed but always remembered. Our deepest sympathies. Sending you all hugs and prayers at this difficult time .

Tom and Lori Dezan , December 15, 2021

All the family

So sorry for your loss our deepest sympathies,to you maida and your family

Margaret and Paul Robitaille , December 15, 2021

The Family

We extend our deepest sympathy to all the family.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, December 15, 2021

a la famille

mes profondes sympathies a la famille nos pensées et prieres vous accompagne

roger pouliot hélene cournoyer, December 15, 2021

La famille et les proches

Mes plus sincères condoléances!RIP de Maryse R inf.Auxiliaire au 7c Hemato oncologie CHUS

May my support
warm your heart
Maryse Routhier, December 15, 2021

The Family

Our deepest sympathies! Andre was one of the nicest guys I've known around. Always had a great smile. He will be missed.

David n Jennifer Cormier, December 16, 2021

Maida et famille

Mes Sympathie, je suis de tout coeur avec vous, bon courage.

Therese Maclure, December 17, 2021

Maida Johanne Bruno et Patrick

Sincèrement sympathies à vous tous mes pensées les plus profondes sont avec vous en ce dure moment

Sylvain Roy Magog, December 18, 2021

Maida et jojo Bruno et Patrick

Je vous souhaite mes sympathies et rester fort il seras toujours avec vous autres xxx

May my support
warm your heart
Linda houle , December 18, 2021


Nos sympathies a tous

May my support
warm your heart
Jacinthe Joyal , December 19, 2021

La famille

Toutes mes sympathies à la famille.

La perte d'un être cher n'est jamais facile. Nous pouvons simplement nous réjouir de savoir qu'aujourd'hui, il peut reposer en paix et sans souffrance.
Il faut se rappeler de tous les bons souvenirs afin d'apaiser la douleur pour ceux qui restent.

Courage dans cette dure épreuve, mes pensées sont avec vous.

Jonathan Mongrain, December 20, 2021

The Family

My most sincere sympathy to the entire Family.

Larry McCoy, December 21, 2021

The Benoit Family

I was very sadden to find out my dear old friend had passed.We have great history and memories that I will never forget. You will be in my memories forever. Take care Maida your in my thoughts during this difficult time. Godbless

Stephen Smith, January 14, 2022

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