McConnell, Burton - Obituaries |

McConnell, Burton


1939 - 2019

Monday April 15, 2019 was the end of a great era known as the Burton McConnell years. A life filled with great friends, family, learning, hard work, travel and an overall passion for life. 

Born in Sawyerville Quebec, on October 1, 1939, Burt was raised on a farm with no electricity. With his father a farmer and mother a teacher, he developed a physical and intellectual work ethic that facilitated a 40 year career at the Bank of Montreal. He eventually rose to the executive ranks, but his proudest achievements came through his recognition of being a Champion of the People.

In retirement, he volunteered in variously functions including the Wales Home Foundation, Lennoxville  Community Aid Foundation, Sawyerville Royal Canadian Legion,  the Lennoxville Curling Club and both the Progressive Conservative and  Liberal Party of Canada.  He continued to read variously, write extensively about WWI and the contributions and eventual sacrifice of his uncle George Thompson. He also carved wooden duck decoys, make maple syrup, work on the farm and travel the world.

Burt will miss spending time with all of his friends, the entire McConnell clan especially his brother Raymond and his wife Donna, Chester and his wife Barbara and all of their respective families. His daughter Joanne Peach and her husband Brian Peach, his son Grant McConnell and his wife Rosemarie Pilon.  As his health started to fail, it was the achievements of his grandchildren that inspired him to keep fighting: Malcolm and Erin Peach, Mathieu Zerter, Kurtis, Lindsey & Sara McConnell and great- grandchildren Sophie Zerter, Scout and Waylon McConnell.

Lastly, Burt will spend his eternity with his lifelong love Betty McConnell.  Betty has been suffering for years with Alzheimer's disease. In lieu of flowers, donations to the Alzheimer's Society of Canada would be appreciated.  

Visitation will take place at the Cass Funeral Home, 3006 College Street, Sherbrooke, (Lennoxville) Quebec on Saturday, April 20, 2019 from 11:30 a.m. to 1:30 p.m.

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27 messages received

All his families

My sympathy for your loss .May he rest in peace .

Murray Bennett, April 16, 2019

Burton McConnell

You were a true gentleman, a caring boss and an all around wonderful human being. I will cherish all the special memories made while working for you in O & S Personnel and the ensuing years at the Bank that followed. You will be truly missed by all those who had the privilege to have know you.

Joyce Cochran, April 16, 2019

Famille McConnell

Mes sincères condoléances à la famille McConnell. C´est à la Place Bonaventure que j´ai connu M. Burt McConnell, où j´étais une employée de la Banque de Montréal. Malgré que je n´étais pas un cadre ayant de contacts proches avec lui, il connaissait mon prénom, comme d´ailleurs celui des nombreux employés travaillant là-bas. Il était une personne toujours très respectueuse et simples d´accès et je lui vouais une grande admiration.
Qu´il repose en paix.

Vitória Faria de Jesus

Vitória Faria de Jesus, April 16, 2019

famille Burt McConnell

Nos plus sincères condoléances à toute la famille et vos proches.

Sophie Ménard, April 16, 2019

Burton McConnell Family

My sympathy to the family.
Burt; un chic type qui va nous manquer.
Rest In Peace.

Daniel Maher, April 16, 2019

Burt’s family

Sorry to hear the sad news. Burt was a wonderful person and he was certainly one of the nicest people I ever knew in the Bank.

Frances Kairns, April 16, 2019

Raymond, Donna &family

Deepest sympathy for the loss of Burton, he will be missed by all who knew him. With love from the Rainville/French families.

Carol, April 16, 2019

My dear friend Joanne, Brian Malcolm & Erin

May all your Memories of Burt be forever etched in your minds and give you smiles that last forever. Loved your tribute to your father, beautifully written for a man with a rich life.
Love & Hugs, Kim and Al xo

Kim, April 16, 2019

Family of Burton McConnel

Our thoughts and prayers are with the family. A great life lived!
Huge loss to the townships community
RIP Burton

David & Helga Price, April 17, 2019

Grant and the McConnell family

Your dad was a good and funny man. Memmoriesof every Halloween Burt would come around and give out chocolates wearing his farmer straw hat and farmer shirt and overalls ( this was the days working at BMO on B Mart in PLACE Bonaventure).
Also, you Grant working at BMO at head office reciting your Shakespeare lines to me while working together for a short time in the mortgage department.
Sorry for your loss.
May your dad rest in Peace.
Cathy LeHuquet
38 year BMO employee.

Cathy LeHuquet, April 17, 2019

The family and loved ones of my dear friendBurtI

I had the honor and privilege of working with Burt for many years at Bank of Montreal. I greatly respected him for the professionalism and sense of responsibility he brought to the job. I could always count on Burt to give his best .More importantly to me, Burt was a man of integrity and had a strong sense of right and wrong . He genuinely lived the values of loving , caring for and respecting people and fought against those who treated people poorly or unfairly.I counted him a dear friend who set an example for me to follow. Thank you Burt for a life well lived . Thank you for the gift of your friendship. My deepest sympathies to each of you at this time, with love Rob

Rob Tetley, April 17, 2019

Burton McConnell Family

Burt was one of my most valued friends and colleagues. He was a devoted member of the BMO team and contributed greatly in his many and varied assignments. He was so very proud of his family and loved to praise them, especially in recent days in the telephone conversations I enjoyed with him. He viewed them as his lasting legacy.
Joan joins me in expressing our deepest sympathy.

Dale Parker

Dale G Parker, April 17, 2019

McConnell, Burton

My condolences to the entire McConnell family in this sorrowful time. Grant, Joanne, words may not suffice to express the heartfelt sorrow that I feel for the passing of your dad. He was a wonderful man, and my friend. I was honored to know him. I will never forget his kindness.
May fond memories of your father bring your family comfort during this hard time in your lives. His kind face remains forever in our image. God rest his soul.

Patricia Howarth, April 17, 2019

Grant McConell

Dear Grant and family,

My deepest sympathies go out to you and your family in this difficult time. My thoughts are with you.


Caroline Boucher, April 17, 2019

Famille McConnell

Mes plus sincères sympathies à toute votre famille.
M. McConnell a toujours été un homme que j’admirais grandement durant mes années de travail à la place Bonaventure. Un homme sympathique et souriant mais aussi juste et égal envers tous ses employés. Ce fût un privilège de le connaître.
Qu’il repose en paix,

Marielle Dubreuil, April 17, 2019

Grant, Joanne & Families.

Our sincere condolences on the passing of your Dad.
Our thoughts are with you at this time.
Audrey & Bob Dwyer

Audrey & Bob Dwyer, April 17, 2019

The McConnell Family

Burt's passing has left me deeply saddened. Hoping peace and comfort find you during this difficult time. Sincere sympathies.

Diane Diotte, April 18, 2019

Burt McConnell Family

In these days were everything goes so fast and we do not have time to slow down … you get a news like this and “it really” takes you back to what really matters.

I, like so many had the ultimate pleasure of meeting and working for this man among men.

Burt was a true executive, leader, father and overall caring person. I know of no one that stood “taller for Montreal, Quebec and His people”. He loved each one of us dearly and cared about everyone individually.

I was talking with my sister this morning and she reminded me of Burt walking the departments with “Candies or chocolates” and talking to everyone. His dedication to “our site and his people” will be remembered forever.

For me personally, Next to Gilles Mayrand, Burt was one of the most influential person in my career. I became senior manager under his tenure and grew as a man listening to them.

To the McConnell family (Grant especially as we had the opportunity to work together) from my sister and I, please accept our deepest condolences.

Robert Gagne, April 18, 2019

McConnell Children & Family

Sadly heard about Burt's passing. Always appreciated his cheerful way as a friend and mentor throughout my professional career. Goodbye my friend!
Suzanne and I wish to express our heartfelt condolences to all his children and family.
I will always think of him with fondness.

Suzanne & Guy Vaillant

Guy Vaillant, April 18, 2019

The Family

Burt was a good man, an honest man...always fighting to do the best for his staff. He knew them all, if not by name, by face. BMO was never the same for me after he retired.
I have fond memories of working under his leadership.
My sincere condolences to the family.

Dianne Fraser, April 19, 2019

Burton's Family

We are so sorry to learn of Burton's passing and offer to all of you our most sincere sympathy at this sad time. We have known Burton for many years now and have appreciated his wit, intellect and service to his community. He and I were members of the Sherbrooke Snow Shoe club for quite a few years and it was an honour for me to serve as his treasurer during the year of his presidency. Burton also generously served his community as president of the Foundations of both the Wales Home and Lennoxville Community Aid to the distinct benefit of both. They, and we, will miss him. His devotion to Betty, especially in these last few years, is inspirational.

We hope that, with time, your grief will be at least partially replaced with memories of all the good times you enjoyed with your dad and grandfather.

We deeply regret that we are unable to attend the visitation as we are in Toronto with our family for the Easter weekend but you will be in our thoughts and prayers.

Jack and Frankie Noble

Frankie and Jack, April 19, 2019

Burt's family and many friends..

Burt is ever young and vital in my mind which explains my shock at this sad news. He was always a hero and a gentleman during my time at BMO. I am so sorry for your loss, but know that he was appreciated, loved and respected by many.

Kim Walker, April 20, 2019

Grant and Joanne

I am visiting a hotel in Georgetown, Guyana, for a few hours and
am using their computer.

I just sent you both a long message that may have timed out. If so,
I will repeat it when I get home to my computer.

Thank you Grant for alerting Carolyn to your father's passing. I am
hugely saddened.

Please send me an email to my home to tell me if you all got my message.

Thank you and God bless ...
Steve Connolly

Steve Connolly, April 21, 2019

Grant McConnell and family

Grant and family my deepest condolences go out to all of you. I have known Burt for a long time going back to my days in BMO when I transferred to Toronto from Montreal. In the last 10 years I had the pleasure to get to know him even more. He was a gentleman and friend and I will miss him and our conversations about life. He had an honest, open heart, was pragmatic and had a sense of humour that always brought laughter. He was a generous and caring person who always wanted to hear about what I was up to before he talked about himself. He was compassionate and wise and gave me a perspective of life that came from his immense experiences. Burt always spoke of his kids and grandkids with such pride and joy. All the many memories and love you have of Burt will be forever and ever.

joan mesic, April 22, 2019

Grant, Joanne and Families

My sincere sympathy on the loss of your Dad. I worked with Burt in Brockville and have many fond memories. He was kind, caring and well respected in the Bank and local community. He spoke often of his family and how proud he was of them. He will be dearly missed. I am so happy that I had the opportunity to speak with him in March 2019, as he called me. Cherish your memories. My thoughts and prayers are with you at this difficult time.

Rosalie Gill, April 22, 2019

The McConnell Family

Mr Mcconnell ( Burt) as he insited we call him was one of the Best leaders BMO Had .
He was definatley a people person , He used to come in from Ontario to Montreal on his Executive Visits and always came around asking everyone How we were ; Was everything Going well etc...he would partake in all our events if he was here in town , Including halloween . And always handed out chocolates at Easter & Valentines . Helping BMo flourish is one thing he did BUT These little thinngs are what made Mr Burt McConnell someone we will always remember .
My deepest condolences .....

Kelly Neeson , April 23, 2019

The family

I just learned yesterday about the passing of Burt. Since we retired from BMO, we have had very few contacts but I have excellent memories of the times we worked together. Burt was most congenial and had very good relations with all his colleagues. I appreciated being a member of the same team, especially in Human Ressouces Department where he could make a big difference.
All members of Burt's family can be proud of him.

Michel Turgeon, May 3, 2019

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