13 messages received
Coates family
Our sympathies, Cecil will be missed and that is the best tribute you can have.
Alan commented how much Henry appreciated working with Cecil and the Coates family.
Alan and Kim Nicholson
Kim Nicholson, May 12, 2022
the whole family
our sympathies
Rita Mary and families, May 12, 2022
All the Family
Deepest Sympathies
Myrna and Keith Lowry, May 13, 2022
jeanne d'Arc labbe, May 13, 2022
Coates family
Our sincere sympathies to the family of Cecil.
Gilles and Cindy Tanguay , May 13, 2022
Connie, Barry snd family
We are so sorry for your loss ❤️❤️❤️
Keith and Wendy luce, May 13, 2022
The Family
So very sad for your loss.
Our deepest sympathy to you all.
Our thoughts and prayers are with you and this very difficult time.
Roy Sylvester & Linda Raymond Deacon, May 14, 2022
The Cecil Coates Family
Sympathy to Hazel and family.I remember him well as always willing to help and his smile was infectious.RIP Cecil life well done.
The Coates Family
So very sorry for your loss. Our sincerest sympathies from the Gaulin family. I have very fond memories of riding your ponies at the cookshire fair with Joann.
Donna Gaulin, May 14, 2022
The Cecil Coates family and friends
We are so sorry for your loss. Receive our sincerest sympathies and the assurance that our best toughts and prayers are with all of you.
Lise et Clément Fréchette
Lise et Clément Fréchette, May 16, 2022
The Coates family
I express my sympathy to the whole family
I express my sympathy to the whole family allan macdonald Debbie Jeff. Joyce (Coates ) Beattie, May 16, 2022
A la familles Coates
Mes sincères sympathies à ma tante Hazel et la familles je reste avec mes superbes de beau souvenir repose en paix mon oncle

May my support
warm your heart
Denise Bernard, May 31, 2022
Cecil's Family
I'm sorry to hear of Cecil. I know he was a great neighbor and friend and a family man. I remember once stopping by to let him know his cows got through the fence and they where on the road. We had a quick laugh over the whole thing.
Holly Laroche, August 25, 2022