Dustin, Christine M. - Obituaries |

Dustin, Christine M.

DUSTIN, Christine M.

1939 - 2020

Christine Cote Dustin (Chris), 81, of Manchester, NH, passed away onDecember 24, 2020. She was born to Edward and Antoinette Cote on September 14th, 1939 in Mansonville, Quebec, Canada. Before retirement, she worked for Malden Mills in Hudson, NH and Lawrence, MA.


Visitation will be held at the Cass Funeral Home in Stanstead situated at 545, Dufferin, Stanstead, QC, J0B 3E0, on Saturday, November 6th, 2021, from 12 to 1 p.m.  A funeral service will follow as well as interment at Beebe Cemetery.

Christine is preceded in death by her husband Arthur Dustin also of Manchester, NH, her brothers Andrew and Donald Cote and her sister Katherine Schoolcraft, all of Mansonville. She is survived by two sons,  Edward Dustin of Raleigh, NC, and Grant Dustin of Nashua, NH, one daughter, Susan Horrocks of Orleans, Ontario, Canada; grandchildren include Patrick, Andrew, Ella, Maggie, and Molly Dustin, and Emma and Sarah Labelle. She is also survived by several brothers and sisters and many nieces and nephews.

She was devoted to spending quality time with her family members and enjoyed long days at the lake.

The family wishes to thank the staff of Maple Leaf Healthcare of Manchester for their loving care and compassion.

J.N. Boufford & Sons is in charge of local arrangements.

For more information and online guestbook please visit www.bouffordfuneralhome.com.

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