Nugent, Danny George - Obituaries |

Nugent, Danny George

NUGENT, Danny George

1958 - 2020

Danny George Nugent
1958 -2020

Passed away peacefully on December 30, 2020 at CHUS Hotel-Dieu at the age of 62 with his fiancee Sharon Joy Herault at his side. Danny was predeceased by his father Harris Nugent and his mother Gloria Coates.

Interment in the Bury Protestant Cemetery at a later date.

We will meet again

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to the family

I knew Danny through our years playing at The Galt Band and then later when
I when I would drop by the farm visiting him and his parents.
I am very sorry to hear of his death a s he was a good friend .
Take care,
Rev. Blair Ross

Padre Blair Ross, January 18, 2021

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