Crack, David - Obituaries |

Crack, David

CRACK, David


David "Butch" Crack, aged 69, passed away on June 18, 2015 at La Maison Aube-Lumiere in Sherbrooke, QC. After a full life and with no regrets he leaves this earth to be with his deceased wife Phyllis Mary (Todd). He leaves behind "the woman who takes care of me", his beloved Barbara Anne Levitt; his daughter and son-in-law Cyndy and Pete Montana and their two kids, Kaylee and Jaxen (Grand Island, NY); his son David Jr, his two kids Savannah and Kolton and their mom Caroline Bisson; his brother Robert Charles Crack (Phyllis) and sister Miriam Rose "Mickey" Crack. Butch has fought and won many battles with cancer over the years, however, he found out in May that the melanoma had finally taken the upper hand. Butch has been overwhelmed with joy having received many calls, messages, cards, visits and prayers from family and friends from all over the world. He was a world-renowned auctioneer, cattle judge and business man, but nowhere was he happier and more proud than at Crackholm Farm with his family. Friends and family are welcome to pay their last respects on Thursday, June 25th 7 pm - 9 pm, and Friday, June 26th 2 pm - 4 pm and 7 pm - 9 pm at the Cass Funeral Home, 295 Principal South, Richmond, Quebec. Respects may also be paid at the farm (262 ch. De la Riviere, Richmond, QC) on Saturday, June 27th, from 11 am to 1 pm, followed by the funeral service at 2 pm. A celebration of his life will be held at Crackholm Farm immediately following the interment at St-Andrew's Cemetery. There will be food, drinks, music, stories and a final farewell with a fireworks display. The Crack family is very grateful for the quality of care, the comfortable facility and the amazing staff members at La Maison Aube Lumiere, who were wonderful guides through this transition for Butch and the family. Donations to La Maison Aube Lumiere in lieu of flowers is appreciated. (3071, 12e Ave Nord, Sherbrooke, QC J1H 5H3 or

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