Goyette Massé Labelle, Eva - Obituaries |

Goyette Massé Labelle, Eva



Massé Labelle, Eva : (née Goyette) Passed away peacefully in the presence of her loving daughter and son-in-law at the C.S.S.S. Memphremagog, on Wednesday, June 17, 2009 , in her 90th year. Beloved wife of the late Wilfred Massé and the late Rolland Labelle. Cherished mother of: Rolland, Émeril ( Raymonde), Laurent and Lise ( Paul Goudreau). Cherished grandmother of the late Suzanne and the late Daniel Massé, Pierre Massé . Michel, Natalie, Hélène, Martin, Sebastien, Stephane, Éric, and Gilles. Eva will also be sadly missed by many great-grandchildren, her sister-in-law Carolyn Goyette of Vancouver, many nieces, nephews, other relatives and friends. There will be visitation in the presence of her ashes at the Cass funeral Home 545 Dufferin, Stanstead 819-876-5213 /www.casshomes.ca on Friday, June 19, 2009, from 1:00 to 4:00 p.m., followed by the service in the funeral home. Interment will take place in the Woodside Cemetery. A special thanks to her niece Leona (Lee) Aulis for the tender and compassionate care and love given to Eva in the absence of her daughter Lise. As a tribute to her memory, donations made to: La Sclérose en Plaques, Branch 2000, 4909 Magloire Bur#1, Sherbrooke, Qc. J1N 1M3 would be extremely appreciated by the family.

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