Bonenfant, Frances - Obituaries |

Bonenfant, Frances


1940 - 2022

Surrounded by love, Frances (Françoise) Bonenfant passed away on Thursday, March 3 in her home in Stanstead. She is survived by her dearly friend Louise Souligny, her heart children Sauphy and Mathieu Corbeil, Annabelle, Lilli and her god-daughter Julianne, her sisters Marcelle and Louise, her many friends and all those who had the good fortune to be with her, even if only for a moment. We will remember with fondness her vivid blue eyes, her laughter and the strength of life she exuded. Woman of spirit and heart, she got involved in municipal politics after a long and fruitful career as a real estate broker.

Special thanks go to Vicki Stremmelaar, the nurse who gave her love on a daily basis to enable Frances to stay at home during the last months. Thanks also go to Nicole Bisaillon who discreetly came to soothe her; to the extraordinary team of the Stanstead CLSC (Dr. Anne Surprenant, Catherine, Karina and Brittany); and to the staff of the 4th floor of the Magog Hospital who provided daily care with respect and empathy during Frances’ long hospitalization: Guylaine, Jacques, Virginie and Benjamin. To all of you who offered her care, affection or friendship, please make these thanks yours as well.

The family will hold a private farewell to Frances at a later date.

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12 messages received

Denise Murphy

My sympathys go out toward her daughter Denise Diana Muphy and her two grandsons Cole Philip Ladoucer and Braeden Gaetan Ladoucer who seem to have been overlooked in this obituary.

Darren Brown, March 9, 2022

An open letter to my mother on her passing

As her next of kin and only daughter, I was surprised not to be notified of my mother's passing.
I did not expect that Christmas to be the last time we spoke. I was hurting. You were hurting. It was not our finest moments. As these things happen somehow that took on a life of its own and here we are. Wounds un-mended. Questions unanswered. No said good-bye.
I grieve for the chasm that existed between what you wanted in a daughter and what I needed in a mother. I grieve for the years that we lost. I grieve for my children who grew up without knowing their grandmother.
You were formidable. I was always so proud of your strength and like to think my backbone grew from yours. In the end, it might have also been our undoing.
I know much of your life was not of your choosing. I'm glad you found love with Louise living your truth and settled into a life that seemed to bring you happiness. I love you. I forgive you. May you now rest in peace.

Dee Brown (Murphy), March 9, 2022


My deepest sympathy to you for your loss.
She was a beautiful soul

May my support
warm your heart
linda Wood, March 10, 2022

Louise et à tous les proches de Françoise

Toutes mes sympathies chère Louise et à tous ses proches. Françoise va beaucoup me manquer. Je garderai toujours de bons souvenirs de nos soirées passées ensemble à s'amuser et à danser dans nos restaurants locaux. Repose en paix chère Françoise ♥️

Cécile Larocque Roy, March 10, 2022

Louise et toutes la famille

Je souhaites a vous tous mes sincères sympathies et une pensée pour Mme Bonenfant que jaurais aimée revoir avant son départ, et que j'ai beaucoup appréciée côtoyer

May my support
warm your heart
Guylaine Bernard , March 10, 2022

Louise et Famille

Mes sinceres condoleances a tous je l'aimais bien Francoise je souviens quand vous etes arriver au village toujours prete a vous aimes.......Repose en Paix maintenant Francoise..........Bobbie

May my support
warm your heart
Roberte Dumas......Stanstead, March 10, 2022

Louise and family

Françoise, such a generous soul. A memory i will never forget, elections 2017. Counting votes, side by side, you were running for council, my brother for mayor. My nerves ended up getting the best of me. At that moment, your focus was on me and not on your hopes for victory. Your calming smiles and whispers, so soothing. All this kindness will never be forgotten. Repose en paix, tu es une vraie championne.

May my support
warm your heart
Paula Dutil, March 10, 2022

Louise and family

My deepest sympathies to you and your families xo

Pauline Roger , March 11, 2022

Louise and to her family

Fran was a very kind and strong woman. She will be missed by many.

Sandra Harrison, March 11, 2022

Louise et famille

Mes plus sincères condoléances à Louise et à la famille de Françoise, j'ai eu l'occasion de la connaître et d'apprécier sa présence et ses compétences. Elle était une dame de coeur et de tête. Maintenant repose en paix chère Françoise !

May my support
warm your heart
Thérèse Gaulin, March 12, 2022


Paul et moi désirons t'offrir nos plus sincères condoléances. A notre retour, on ira te voir pour célébrer la vie de ta douce moitié. Vous avez été des personnes qui nous ont beaucoup touché.
Monique Pépin

Monique Pépin, March 12, 2022

Louise and family

I was blessed to meet Frances during my mandate as town councillor. Working side by side, I got to know her quite well. Never had I thought I'd get along so well with this older lady. She was definitely a strong opinionated women, never shying away from saying what was on her mind. We had several good laughs and some good arguments but always seemed to find solution for the greater good of the community.
We had started a tradition, prior to the pandemic, that being me taking "my ladies" (i.e. Frances and Louise) out to the Eastside for dinner. What good times, I will miss you tremendously, rest in peace my friend.

To her family, I offer you my deepest condolences. I understand you may have had an estranged relationship. None can change the past, all I hope is that you find the closure you need to heal your wounds.

AJ Bedard, March 13, 2022

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