Stratton, George - Obituaries |

Stratton, George


1935 - 2022

Passed away peacefully at home in Stanstead on March 1st, 2022 at the age of 86. George was the son of the late James Stratton and the late Edith Muir. Husband of Georgette Ducharme and father of Carole (Michel) and Jimmy (Pamela). 

He leaves to mourn his grandchildren: Philippe (Sara), Jonathan (Joannie), Vanessa, Ryan (Emy); his great grandchildren Tristan, Lauralie , Maeva and many nieces and nephews. 

A graveside ceremony will take place in the spring. 

The family would like to offer a special thank you to Dr. Surprenant and the CLSC in Stanstead for the wonderful care. 

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29 messages received


Nos sympathies à toi et aux enfants.

Louise Belec, François Thibault , March 1, 2022


mes sympathies atoiet toute la famille

Jeanne D Arc Roy, March 2, 2022

Georgette et famille

Our sincere condolences to the whole family. I have a lot of good memories working with him .

Fred Mueller, March 2, 2022

Stratton Family

My sympathies to all the family.I had a chance to work with George at Rock of Ages, he was quite the character, in a good way. More memories of him when he came to visit us at our hunting in Vermont.And all the good tips he gave us at the horse races in Ayer’s Cliff. Never did get rich.R.I.P George

Mike Corriveau , March 2, 2022

Mme Georgette Stratton

Nous désirons vous offrir nos plus sincères sympathies lors du décès de Georges ainsi qu’à toute votre famille. Nous ne nous sommes pas vus souvent mais vous étiez précieux à nos yeux et nous vous aimons beaucoup. Bon courage.

Yves et Raymonde Monfette, March 2, 2022


Bruce sent me this news about our cousin. I am certain he appreciated all you did for him. I feel your pain in my heart

Jane leduc

Jane leduc, March 2, 2022

The Stratton Family

Our deepest sympathy to the family.

Larry and Lorrayne Markwell, March 2, 2022

Georgette & toute la famille

To all the family, our most sincere Sympathies to all, our thoughts and prayers are with you at this very sad time. RIP George.
Buster & Louise

Buster & Louise , March 2, 2022

Georgette et la famille

Nos sincères voeux de sympaties à toi Georgette ainsi que ta famille. Nos pensées sont avec vous tous.

Keith & Luce Leney, March 2, 2022

Georgette et la famille.

Que ce message vous apporte le témoignage d'une sympathie profonde et sincère.
Richard et Francine Dunn.

Francine et Richard, March 2, 2022

Georgette and family

Please accept our sincere condolences, our thoughts and prayers are with you all at this difficult time.

Bill & Danielle Parrish, March 2, 2022

Georgette et famille

Ma chère Georgette,

Je suis bien peinée et je t'offre mes sincères sympathies suite au décès de Georges. Que les bons souvenirs viennent apaiser les moments difficiles que vous traversez tous. Je suis avec vous par la pensée et les prières.

Nicole McKinnell

Nicole McKinnell, March 2, 2022

To the Stratton Family

I am saddened to learn of the passing of George. I have nothing but great memories of all the times I spent with this family in my younger days. I have many memories of his smile and laughter when we would all hang out together. My thoughts are with Georgette, Carole and Michel, Pam and Jim and all their wonderful kids. George will be missed. I wish you courage and strength for the days ahead.
Kathy xx

Kathy sheldon, March 2, 2022

Georgette et famille

Toutes mes sympathies, bon courage à vous tous.

Cécile Larocque Roy, March 3, 2022

Georgette et famille.

Nos sinceres condoléances ,nos pensées sont avec vous.

Micheline &Raymond Langevin, March 3, 2022

Georgette et famille

Toutes nos sincères sympathies. Bon courage.

Joanne & Guy Labbé, March 3, 2022

Georgette et famille

Nos pensées vous accompagnent, sincères sympathies.

Eugene & Rita Roy , March 3, 2022

Georgette & Family

Our deepest sympathies to you and the family. So very sorry for your loss.

Denis & Debbie Blouin, March 3, 2022


Mes sincères condoléances. Bon courage.

Claire Girard Audet, March 3, 2022

Georgette Carole Jimmy

Mes sympathies à toute la famille xx bon courage

Diane Ouellet , March 4, 2022


Nous désirons t'offrir nos plus sincères voeux de sympathie. Bon courage.

Monique et Paul Pépin

Monique Pépin, March 5, 2022

La famille

Nos sympathies Georgette et famille.

Marie-Claire et Normand Comeau, March 5, 2022

Georgette et famille,

Nos plus sincères sympathies!

Lise Raymond et Jacques Viens, March 5, 2022


Nos sincères condoleances toi et a la familles nos pensées sont avec vous tous.

May my support
warm your heart
Angèle Desrosiers, March 6, 2022


Angèle Viens Desrosiers et Raymond Desrosiers

Angèle Viens Desrosiers, March 6, 2022

Georgette & Famille

Nous vous offrons nos plus sincères sympathies en cette épreuve.
Bon courage.
Terry Smith & Gisèle Bergeron

May my support
warm your heart
gisele bergeron, March 7, 2022

Georgette et famille

Toutes nos sincères sympathies à toutes la famille. Bon courage

Rita &Serge Roy , March 10, 2022


Nous t'offrons nos plus sincères condoléances et que notre sympathie t'apporte un certain apaisement. Bon courage !

May my support
warm your heart
Thérèse Gaulin et Gérard Grenier, March 12, 2022


Mes sympathies à la famille.

Georges Paquet, March 13, 2022

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