Stafford, Hazel - Obituaries |

Stafford, Hazel



Hazel Stafford passed away peacefully at the Youville Hospital on Friday evening December 11th, 2009 at the age of 101 after succumbing to complications following an operation to repair a broken hip. Daughter of James Stafford and Eliza Marlin Stafford, Hazel was spry and agile until her injury. Sister of Edna, Rufus (Stiffy) and Archie (Pinky) and aunt to Stephen, Jeffrey, Joan, Jimmy and Judy Stafford. She will also be sadly missed by her surviving and extended family Pauline and Beverly Broadbelt (Lepine) and all her great and great great nieces, nephews and friends. Visitation and funeral services will commence at the Cass Funeral Home in Lennoxville, 3006 College St., Sherbrooke, 819-564-1750 / on Sunday December 20th 2009 from 1:00 pm followed by the funeral service at 2 pm. Refreshments will be served following the service. The officiating minister will be Rev. Martyn Sadler. Internment will take place in the spring of 2010 in the Protestant Cemetery in Massawippi. Advance notice will be given to family and friends. In lieu of flowers, donations can be made to the Plymouth Trinity United Church Inmemorium Fund, 380 Dufferin St. Sherbrooke, QC. J1M 4M7. The family would like to express their sincere thanks to Peggy Statton and all the other members of the London Home in Sherbrooke for the wonderful care and affection given to Hazel during her residence there.

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