Mastine, Howard - Obituaries |

Mastine, Howard



Howard Frederick Mastine Passed away peacefully with his family at his side, at the C..H.U.S. Fleurimont, Sherbrooke, QC on Tuesday, March 15, 2011 at the age of 84. Loving husband of Klea Wentworth-Miller and the late Velma Hebert. Dear father of Linda ( Robert Brighten ), Wanda ( Wilton Moreland ), Brian ( Francine Roy ) and Peter ( Josée Lachapelle ). Grandfather of nine grandchildren and of four great-grandchildren. Step-dad of Klea's family, Robert Miller, Brian and Carol Miller, Kent Miller, and Christy ( Kevin Lummerding). Survived by his sister Jean (Harold Keough), his sisters-in-law Blanche (late Nelson Mastine) and Pricilla (late Clarence Wentworth), his brother-in-law Robert Hebert (Myrna), and sisters-in-law Shirley (late William Nelson) and Gail (Peter Hill). Respecting his wishes, he was cremated. A graveside service will be held on Saturday, May 21, 2011 at 2 pm in the Ste-Bibiane Cemetery, Richmond. Rev Valerie Vande Wiele officiating. Refreshments to follow after the service at the Richmond United Church. Arrangements entrusted to the Cass Funeral Home, Richmond.

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